Stage 1 waiting times?

Congratulations @svenk

I doubt this is the case.


Hello, Please I need someone to guide me on how to appeal. I received a mail and got this link but I do not understand which section to fill. I have also read it on this forum that the max word is 200 words but its not written anywhere on the PDF Form. Please, I would like to know if there is any other form to fill. cheers

Congratulations @svenk

I got my Exceptional Promise endorsement this morning! This community has helped me so much and I’d like to share the “edit” history for those who are still waiting for decisions. Hope this helps!

Technical applicant - Data & Analytics

Submitted: 20 Sep
1st Edit: 26 Sep
2nd Edit: 11 Oct
3rd Edit: 12 Oct
Endorsement: 12 Oct


Big congrats to you. Thanks for sharing this edit info.

1 Like

My 3rd edit was 8th still waiting. Looks like they cant decide on my application. 50/50

@Ahsan_Fayaz I am also waiting :frowning: there is no edit or email

Same here bro. No response

I got 4th edit yesterday but there is no result yet :frowning:

What time you got 4th edit?

13 Oct 2022 20:51 BST :slight_smile:

I got my 5th edit on 14 Oct 2022 17:54
My rejection is on the way

Dont worry I am after you :joy:

1 Like

Hey guys,

filling out my application right now. For the life of me I cannot find the box to copy paste my personal statement. Does it come after I hit submit for the CV, Recommendations letters and evidences?

Download the form. It is straightforward, first bix write the reason for the refusal send box explain why you think there is an error or what evidence you think was not considered. Do same until you respond to all the criteria rejected. The form does not give a maximum number but if your response is too lengthy, it cuts it off.

@Francisca_Chiedu, thank you… I thought I read it on this forum that it’s 200 words. Thanks for the clarification :+1:t4:

Any update on your status?

Quick one @Francisca_Chiedu , on the appeal form that I am filling now. I saw 4 different sections stated 2.1(a) Enter the reason for non-endorsement as shown on your decision letter. It’s repeated up to 2.4

The reason for non-endorsement is the Assessment panel feedback? if yes, am I going to copy each paragraph? Thanks

in the first box fill the feedback that was given for the mandatory criterion. Second box stated why you think the decision was made in error or if there are thing the asessors overlooked. third box fill the optional criteria and repeat same