Stage 1 evidence gathering

Hello everyone, I would like to ask some questions about my evidences.

  1. For “You have held or hold a significant expert role participating on panels, or individually, assessing the work of others in the same field or a field of specialisation related to the digital technology sector”, does presenting screenshots and email threads of being part of interview panel in my company work for this? I am also thinking to use screenshots from pull requests but team members I reviewed and merged under this.

  2. If I am looking to use my payslip as an evidence, Is it okay to use that of a previous company was with? I also want to be sure that this is compared to the average pay scale of my country and not of the UK to make a solid evidence.

Thank you for your answers

  1. Yes, but they are generally looking for panels and speaking experience external to your company. An internal panel often will not signal that you are an industry leader
  2. Yes, you can use a previous company, but make sure you also convert everything to pounds