Hi all!
I’d like to hear your opinion on defining the specific sector of which the applicant is a leader in.
I have more than 5 years of experience but less than 8 and I’m a technical candidate, I write and architect software products.
For the last 3 years, I’ve been into a very niche but emerging sector in Automotive software and I am one of the leading software oriented technical people in this field, and as this field is still very new, there are not many. Before that experience I was mostly into “generic” cloud computing products.
Most of my application consists of LoRs from established traditional Automotive leaders, evidence of great impact to the industry through revenue and impact on traditional automotive companies etc.
What I’m struggling to understand here is proving OC1, specifically showing a “track record” of innovations. While I have multiple instances of innovation in the Automotive sector, they all happened some time in the last 2.5 years and are more of innovative features in the same product but yielding different benefits/outcomes in the market.
Will this be enough to prove track record?
In my opinion I have two plays here if it’s not enough:
- I go back to my “old life” in cloud computing and present an innovation from there - although it is not from my field.
- As I’m in the Automotive sector for less than 5 years I apply for under a Promise track instead of Talent and the burden of proving a “track record” is lifted off of me.
What are your thoughts?