Stage 1 check my eligibility

Hello, nice people.

I would like to share my evidences and I am planning to apply for Exceptional Talent could you check them and tell me if these evidences enough to apply.

1-LOR from the Director of cyber security in leading UK university and his my main supervisor in my dissertation right now and I am working in his group research as part time.
2- LOR from the main supervisor for my previous dissertation because I hold two master degree.
3-LOR from the head of IT department for bank that I worked for 4 years as infrastructure security engineer and then promoted as Senior Security Engineer


1- reference letter from CEO and founder of company I worked as Senior Security Engineer/Team Lead with mentioning that I worked with many clients and made great impact to the company.
2- reference letter from CEO that I worked as freelance contract project to their booking ticket domain to make it secure and discover many vulnerabilities.
3- contract from the company that I worked in their domain of booking ticket and mentioned the cost.
4- bank statement in Uk which has good amount of money.

1- reference letter from president of leading non profit organization that I worked as volunteer to be professional trainer and mentor for people who wants to start their career in cyber security and also help disabled people to overcome their difficulties to learn.
2- refrence letter from CEO that I worked in freelance project to make their infrastructure secure and provide training to their company to increase the staff awareness.

1- reference letter from the supervisor that I worked under his supervision in one of the university research in UK which funded from leading company in UK.
2- reference letter from course leader that I worked in important research in the university and I have a vision to publish papers due my high marks in modules.
3- scholarship award from leading university in Uk.

My question please do you think Am eligible to apply and can I add one of the recommendation letter such as the third one which is from head of IT that I worked as Senior Security Engineer to Mandatory criteria.

Thank you so much and hope to hear from you soon.

Hey hi, have you read the TN guide which is super helpful.

Quoting it: “Letters of Reference alone are not sufficient and should be supported by other evidence”

For example:

Reference letter from president of leading non profit organization that I worked as volunteer to be professional trainer and mentor for people who wants to start their career in cyber security and also help disabled people to overcome their difficulties to learn.

Are there any photos of the training event, participants’ feedback note, certificate from that organisation recognising you as a professional cyber security trainer or maybe news article or blog post from that organisation citing your contribution?

Reference letter from CEO and founder of company I worked as Senior Security Engineer/Team Lead with mentioning that I worked with many clients and made great impact to the company

Is there any github links, architecture design document that you worked on/created that can be attached?

bank statement in Uk which has good amount of money.

Just my 2 cents, I’d advice actually removing this but then include payslips & any options/shares granted as part of your compensation at say the company above. So it’s tied to your contribution as a tech talent.

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Thank you for all useful information but as I was working in cyber security filed company can not shared any document for their client so I add it contract for the company I worked with them.

Could you tell me how can I prove participate feedback and also I got offer letter to work as lecturer in cyber security at college do you think should I add it as evidence

One more thing, what about add one of the recommendation letter in mandatory criteria because it is related that I worked in cyber security as Senior Security Engineer and please do you think that I can apply for promise or talent.

Thank you so much.

@NNN please could you reply to my questions thank you so much

Your evidence are mostly reference letters. Reference letters alone are not sufficient.

Hi thank you for replying so if I provide award certificate from non profit organization do you think this will help and in mandatory do you think I can add offer letter from UK college to be as lecturer in cyber security. @Francisca_Chiedu

I am not sure if it will make a difference as it is still an employment contract it does not necessary show your contribution to the advancement of the sector, besides i presume it is a new employment, how do you measure your contribution in that capacity? Are you applying for exceptional talent or promise?

I am planning to apply for exceptional talent but do you think is better to apply for exceptional promise.
My question if I apply to exceptional talent and the noticed that I am eligible to exceptional promise do they grant me exceptional promise. @Francisca_Chiedu

It is up to you to apply for ET or EP, I only asked because of the “strength” of your evidence. @NNN has given some useful tips to support your application. It is better to take some time to work on your evidence. As for optional criteria 4, you clearly do nit have strong evidence for research. Do you have evidence of your research accepted at conference?

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@Francisca_Chiedu for OC4 I am working in cyber security research which is endorsed by expert and and fund from UK leading company

Are you a Phd Candidate? If that is the case then get a reference from your Supervisor endorsing your research work as world class.

@Francisca_Chiedu no I hole one Master and currently perusing another Master in UK.
But I am working in cyber security research with on of big group in cyber security in UK. Should the supervisor mentioned a world class research

Research undertaken as part of an undergraduate or MSc thesis does not qualify for this criteria. The requirements for OC4 are clear, how have you met the following list of evidence:

  • Evidence of at least one significant contribution to the field in the form of a paper published in a top-tier peer-reviewed journal. Research undertaken as part of an undergraduate or MSc thesis does not qualify for this criteria;
  • Evidence of presentations at a peer-reviewed conference, or evidence of being awarded competitive peer-reviewed research grants.
  • Evidence of awards received for outstanding applied work, supported by excellent academic achievement (a first-class degree or distinction);
  • A letter of support from a research supervisor or other expert in your area of expertise affirming their potential world-class standard. This is in addition to the required letters of recommendation and must be written by another individual;
  • Evidence of a merit based award that has been granted by an organisation of a similar standing and distinction to the Royal Society in the UK, as well as the selection criteria for this award.

Please note that awards must be of merit and not solely monetary (e.g. grants, bursaries or scholarships).

Ok thank you so much. @Francisca_Chiedu my last question if I apply for talent and they feel that I fit the promise do they grant me a promise or I have to apply form promise again

Exceptional promise applicants are likely to be earlier in their career, usually with less than 5 years of experience.

This is what the guide says. Global Talent Visa | Tech Nation

There’s a hard line between talent and promise based on the TN guide (5 years. Though the word “usually” is used :thinking:). If you fall into promise range of years it may be better to apply for promise and you may be granted talent based on TN’s discretion. Not sure about the other way round but probably others have something to add here.

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ive seen applicant in this forum applying for promise and they got endorsed for talent. but i didnt see vise versa so far.

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Please I want to find out if a research work published in an international journal since 2016 is still relevant.

nothing older than 5 years.