Some reference letters docusigned with personal emails


Do you think it’d be a problem to get some reference letters docusigned with personal emails of the referees?

Even though I stated that documents need to be docusigned using work emails, I noticed some of the referees did not bother to do it. and they signed using their personal emails.

and it’s kind of hard to ask them redo it.

What do you think about it? I dont think it’ll be a problem. because they’ve added their contact details (i.e. Linkedin profile link, phone number, work emails and etc.)


Are the letters on official company letter heads?

yes, they are using company letter heads

Are these main LORs?

No, they are reference letters for evidences

Should be ok as long as they are on company letter heads and have contact details, linkedin profile links. I also had a few of my reference letters using personal mail ids.

if they can put it on company letterhead, they can add the work email. Best to ask them to add it.

I was endorsed with 3 main LoRs all signed from personal emails without company letterheads.
For some reason the emails from docusign were blocked by some mail filter on the corporate server so I had to use personal emails :person_shrugging:
The LoRs did include the work contact details of the persons recommending.

I think as long as all the contact details are there you should be fine with the letters as they are.