Some changes happening to the GT Visa requirements

New statement of changes to the UK’s Immigration Rules released on 18th Oct 2022.

Key change impacting endorsement-based visas:

Global Talent Visa (Tech Nation): Effective 9 November 2022, a change to the referee definition:
“individuals acknowledged as experts in the digital technology field, with detailed knowledge of the applicant’s work over a period of 12 months or more”

you need to check which field it applies to.

This seems related to the recommendation letter for the digital technology field.

Three letters of recommendation from three different well-established organisations acknowledged as experts in the digital technology field.

New statement of changes
In GTE 7.2.(b), for “organisations acknowledged as experts in the digital technology field”, substitute:
individuals acknowledged as experts in the digital technology field, with detailed knowledge of the applicant’s work over a period of 12 months or more,”.

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It’s mentioned in the document, have a read.

Does that mean recommendation letters can be submitted by individuals without the use of letterhead or organization’s logo?

Interesting. You went straight for the logo :slight_smile:

I see the words substitute in there so it sounds like an update and most likely every other thing already published will remain in place (not changed)

The TN visa guide mentions:

The letter must also:
Include a telephone number and email address, and the organisation’s logo and registered address, if applicable

The evidence document checklist updates (June 2020)

  • Updated text regarding the use of letter headed documents in order to modernise. Letters must show the organisation logo and registered address, if written on behalf of a third party organisation.

so what I understand here and based on the new changes released on 18th Oct 2022,
recommendation letters can be written:

  • by individuals (doesn’t’ require org. logo or registered address
  • or on behalf of organisation (require org. logo / registered address - remain the same and no change)

I could be wrong, thoughts?

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Tech Nation will do an update to reflect the changes it is aplicsble to digital technology sector.