Software Engineer seeking Advice and Review: Exceptional Promise

Hi everyone my name is Precious, I’m currently a software engineer at a FAANG. I’m preparing to apply for exceptional promise endorsement as a software engineer of 3+ years of experience I have worked at a startup for 2 years before my current company and part-time for another topic. These are my evidence please I need review and advice

Recommendation Letters:
1- letter from CEO at Startup
2- letter from a CEO at another company. We work together in a NGO A for tech professionals
3- letter from a senior engineering manager with over 10 years working at the FAANG I work at.


  1. Work in startup mobile app
  2. Work in Faang
  3. Salary proof in FAANG(compared on Glassdoor and pay scale) might add startup. It also includes increase in salary after joining
  4. Work in two NGOs for tech careers. I help in the programs direction for one, and the other one I was a chapter lead for a while before leaving. Shows growth and impact.


  1. Speaking at two events
  2. Few open source contributions:
  • Django over 75k stars(2 PRs) - PR has impact and was recognized by the maintainer of Django. - another django related project - 700+ stars. Made 4 PRs
  • repo has 40+ stars and just two contributors. But hasn’t been updated in a while.
  • another repo with 17k+ stars but just two PRS and nothing major.
  • new website of a big community. 4PRs. It doesn’t have much stars cause it hasn’t be fully launched.
  • repo has just 3 stars but massive contribution from me. And is a package for the community. (I’m thinking of removing this but that was my last open source project).
  • my repo from one of blogs with 90+ stars it is a guide on how to do authentication in Vue. (I don’t know if I can include this)

My open source contribution were greatly affected by joining FAANG due to copyright issues and I want to add that too.
3. Articles in a big technical blog(and their views) together with my articles.

Significant impact

  1. Work at startup new product(different from the mobile product)
  2. Reference letter from CTO of startup backing my claim.
  3. Salary proof around same time. Maybe compare them to earnings around that time.


  1. My concern is on recognition, my last major contribution was in 2022, and the repo doesn’t have lots of stars.
    I don’t know if I should rearrange. Maybe add the NGO part here instead and move the articles up
  2. Is a senior engineering manager at FAANG big enough for recommendation letter.
  3. Is my salary proof solid enough especially for FAANG
  4. Should I get a letter from the Django maintainer showing the impact of my PR so I can add that to the open source part.

But I would appreciate feedback on every evidence to be submitted. Thank you.

@Francisca_Chiedu @hsafra @May @ellagna

@Francisca_Chiedu @May @ellagna plesse I would like your feedback

For optional criteria two, what kind of events did you speak at? You can use on event for mandatory and the second for OC2 .
MC 1 and 2, what do you mean by working in startup or FAANG, what kind of evidence do intend to show.

Okay, that makes sense. Both events were developer-focused events.

The work I did were features I worked on or tools I built for both companies. Is that okay?

Also, I’m removing OC3 3 and adding OC2 with a letter of reference. What do you think?

Speaking events should not be part of your day job or part of a sponsorship. Why were you invited to speak?

They are not part of my day job. I was invited to speak at a beginner’s conference

Ok then you need to demonstrate that

Okay. I will. What do you think of the significant impact?

It looks good but your letters need to detail your significant contribution with metrics in the reference letter.

Thank you. Yes I’m trying to do that.

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@Francisca_Chiedu how do I add a note about the company forbidding letterhead and use of official email for Docusign? Do I include it after the logs/ certificate of completion? And they will all be in one document?

You don’t need to use docusign to sign the letter. As for the letter head, you can add a note after the CV stating that the company doesn’t allow letterhead.

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Thank you. I have submitted it. he used DocuSign from his personal email and added a note about the company not allowing DocuSign or company letterhead.

But I added his official email and phone number to the letter

Fingers crossed

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Hi @Ndubueze_Precious, have you received an update yet?

No, I have not gotten feedback yet

Alright. I saw on a separate thread where you asked for the email to contact for updates on the application. Here it is below:

Meanwhile, it appears that we both applied on the same day (June 11) and considering the pattern, there’s a likelihood that our applications are being reviewed by the same assessor (or perhaps not). But if you don’t mind me asking, when did you get your last edit? Mine was June 17.

Thank you. My last edit was actually today. It has been edited about 5-6 times.

Wait a minute! This may no longer be a coincidence after all because right after I read your last comment, I checked my portal and found that an edit had been made on my own application today as well. So it’s quite possible that the same assessor is reviewing both our applications (or maybe not).

Meanwhile, I can see that 3 other people have reported that they received successful endorsement decisions today. Hopefully, ours is on the way.

Like someone commented on a separate thread, it’s probably advisable to stop checking for edits at this point. It’ll only worsen the anxiety. So, let’s just hope for the best. :facepunch:t5:

I don’t think you should stress about edits. If you go by what people say here, 5-6 edits often doesn’t look good. I hope you get Endorsed but just wait for the outcome and ignore the edits.