Software Engineer for Exceptonal Promise - Feedback Please

First of all, Thank you so much for taking your time to read this.
I was going to apply for exceptional talent, But I feel I’m quiet not there yet and I need to apply for Exceptional promise.

This is the list of documents I’m planning to attach. Please I’d like to hear feedback on strengthening my application


I’m a software engineer now who came to UK to do masters and have been working for almost 4 years since.I still have one more year left to be eligble for ILR but I’ve been made redundant at work. So, I’m seeking this Global Talent Visa Route.


3 Letter of Recommendations.

  • 3 strong LOR from CEO,CTO, Director from three unique well reputed and popular organisations in the UK.
  • I worked as a software engineer for all of them.

Mandatory Criteria

  • Command a high Salary in all three jobs.
  • Led to growth of a tech company. Their products and services have been features in popular news clippings and commerically avaialble.

Optional Criteria 1 ( Employee in new digiral field or concept )

  • Evidence of product development. Again available in the UK market.
  • Evidence of employment contract. ( I have three contracts from previous 3 employers)

Optinal Criteria 2 ( Contribution outside my occupation )

  • I delivered a talk on early careers. With over 100 people as a mentorship. Video evidence on youtube.
  • Evidence of teaching at University Lab module to undergrads during my Masters.
  • Evidence of teaching programming to school children.

Optional Criteria 3 (How I made a signigcant contribution )

  • Documentation on product design indicating my contribution.
  • Letter from employer other than endoresment indicating my contribution.
  • Employment contract again. News articles of a project/product I worked on. Covid testing device.

Optional Criteria 4 ( Academic Contribution ) - Weak Area

  • I do have published reserach papers which has been cited by 7-10 people. It’s not ground breaking but decent papers.
  • An Distinction degree in Masters.

I know I only need two optional criterias to pick from. As I mentioned, Optional criterial 4 seems to be my weakest and I should drop this. However, I want to use the evidence of published research papers.
1.Can I use this in contribution outside my occupation?
2. I want to use one contract for high salary. Another contract as employment one.
3. Do you think I can go ahead with first 3 optional criteria to suppory my case?

Thanks in Advance.

Hi @Surender_S firstly whichever route you apply to, TN assesses you basis their assessment and awards you the route they feel fit. I applied for Promise but was awarded Talent.

  • apply to the route you think fits you the best


  • salary information is not the strongest evidence hence aim for 2 more evidences in MC.
  • how did you lead the growth of a company?
  • Do the news clippings mention your name? If not, you need to have third party verification to confirm you led the growth.
  • a support letter here validating your contribution and impact will help


  • which 2 OCs are you selecting? As per your questions, to answer your last question, you can only select 2 OCs and not 3.
  • having 3 documents to prove just employment and high salary is weak. Kindly summarize all of this in 1 document.


  • do you have external verification of your name in the product development and innovation? If not this is a weak evidence.
  • kindly add third party validation without which it will be a self documented evidence with links of products that don’t prove your contribution to them


  • mentorship needs to be through a structured platform. You can use the speaking event as a speaker evidence not mentorship.
  • the teaching programs: was this a structured program where you were a senior mentor? Was there selection involved in these programs? What was your significant contribution here? What is the third party validation to prove this?