Seeking Guidance and Support for Global Talent Visa Documentation

Hello good people,

My name is Joseph, I am a product manager, currently pursuing my MBA in the UK. I am in dare need of guidance regarding the documentation or proofs for GTV application.

I understand that many people may hesitate to share specific information or simply request exorbitant fees for their assistance. However, I want to assure you that my intention is to put in the hard work and dedication required for this process. All I am seeking is some guidance or a reference point to help me be more specific in documenting the necessary evidences. This opportunity has the potential to change my situation right now, and I am reaching out with genuine hope and optimism.

If any of you have access to a Google Drive or any other resources that you can share with me, it would be of immeasurable help. Your insights into the specific documents or proofs that were successful in your own GTV application could provide me with invaluable guidance. I truly appreciate any support or advice you can offer.

Please feel free to comment here or reach out to me directly at I want to emphasize that I fully understand and respect the sensitive nature of this information. Rest assured, any documentation or advice you provide will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. I am dedicated to following the correct procedures and maintaining the integrity of my application.

Your assistance would mean the world to me, and I am grateful for any support you can provide.

Tech Nation guide has examples of evidence. You can check to see if you have the listed evidence and share your list here. It’s unlikely anyone will forward you their application, it also doesn’t help as applications are unique to applicants.