I have been looking at the forum and tech nation’s requirements and I haven’t seen any mention of risk professionals and wondering if I would potentially be considered for the promise (business).
I am a financial crime specialist (5 years), and I have moved to work for a fintech for nearly a year now. My level is a Manager.
One of the notable works I would use to demonstrate why I would be an exceptional promise:
I lead and am creating a transaction automation system for the company. I work with developers and engineers to create this system in house which ultimately saves the company from outsourcing the system that would typically cost circa 200k USD. This transaction automation piece I am doing is for my fintech company however it has potential if successful to be sold to other fintech companies in the same industry.
I also lead another fraud project which is AI led, however this is more project management as i help the stakeholder gather the right information and integrate with our systems.
Any ideas on if i have a chance, and any advice?
Much appreciated!