Review Request for Exceptional Talent (MC, OC2, OC3, OC4)

Hello everyone

I am Ramesh with a PhD in Neuroengineering and 11+ years of professional experience specializing in architecting and deploying Edge AI applications. Thank you all for your contributions to this forum that helped me to prepare the below evidence to support the mandatory criteria (MC) and optional criteria (OC) for the Exceptional Talent category. Please help me with your feedback.


  1. Received nationally or internationally recognised prizes or awards for excellence specifically in the digital technology
    Evidence: Included the Senior IEEE Membership Certificate and Taiwan Employment Gold Card Award for the skilled professionals in digital technology

  2. Published material in professional or major trade publications in the digital technology sector
    Evidence: Included my latest IEEE publication and the list of white papers

  3. Command a high salary for your services
    Evidence: Included the offer letter, rewards statements, pay slips, stock account statement, employment certificate, and the salary comparison data from Glassdoor

OC2: Recognised for my work outside of my immediate occupation
Evidence: 1) Conference speaking with at least 100 attendees - Included the details of my two keynote sessions with the invitation letter, program schedule, link to my session/presentation deck, and the screenshot showing the number of participants; 2) Mentorship – Included the offer letters for accepting the Industrial Advisory Panel for a university in Malaysia along with the links to the official reports including my contributions

OC3: Significant technical contributions to the field as an employee of a product-led digital technology company
Evidence: Included the details of my technical contributions to the current and previous companies including the offer letter, architecture diagram, GitHub repositories, the links to the official customer testimonial, the YouTube link to the citation by the CEO at the international technology expo, and the reference letters from my managers

OC4: Exceptional ability in the field by making academic contributions through research
Evidence: 1) Journal publications, 2) Conference presentations, 3) Academic excellence awards and PhD/Masters/Bachelor’s graduation certificates

Thanks for your time.


You can only select 2 out of 4 optional criteria

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Thanks for your feedback. I will revise it accordingly.

@muks Please review the below revised evidence and let me know your feedback

  1. Led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product or team
    Evidence: Included the details of my research publications that led to the development of a digital product in healthcare. Summarized my professional contributions to the development of AI-enabled products/applications including the links to the LinkedIn posts and the official testimonials from the customers

  2. Recognized expert for having been invited by recognized universities to speak at high-impact digital technology sector events, serve as an Industrial Advisory Panel along with international awards
    Evidence: a) Details of my two keynote sessions with the invitation letter, program schedule, link to my session/presentation deck, and the screenshot showing the number of participants; b) Offer letter for accepting the Industrial Advisory Panel for a university in Malaysia along with the links to the official reports including my contributions; c) Senior IEEE Membership Certificate and Taiwan Employment Gold Card Award for the skilled professionals in digital technology.

  3. Published material in professional or major trade publications in the digital technology sector
    Evidence: Included my latest IEEE publication and the list of white papers.

  4. Command a high salary for your services
    Evidence: Offer letter, rewards statements, pay slips, stock account statement, employment certificate from my current company, and the salary comparison data from Glassdoor

OC3: Significant technical contributions to the field as an employee of a product-led digital technology company
Evidence: Details of my technical contributions to the current and previous companies including the offer letter, architecture diagram, GitHub repositories, the links to the official customer testimonial, the YouTube link to the citation by the CEO at the international technology expo, and the reference letters from my managers

OC4: Exceptional ability in the field by making academic contributions through research
Evidence: 1) Journal/Conference publications, 2) Letter of Support from a relevant expert, 3) Academic excellence awards and PhD/Masters/Bachelor’s graduation certificates

I think you should split your speaking event. Since you have two high profile event, one could be for the mandatory criteria, the other could be for OC2.

The way you have listed your evidence could be confusing also ensure you submit at least 3 evidence for each criteria, you can submit a maximum of 19 evidence.

Also, if your research evidence are stronger then you cB use a combination of O2)C2 work outside immediate employment and contributions to research. The mandatory criteria should clearly show you are recognised as a leader in your field. Your evidence should be able to put you in a light that shows your leadership recognition in the field and significant contributions

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@Francisca_Chiedu Thanks for your feedback. As we can submit only 10 documents (each with three pages), shall I contain the 19 evidence within the 10 documents?

@Ramesh_Perumal this is a much cleaner version, but there are still areas that need improvement to make the evidence stronger and more aligned with Tech Nation’s expectations.

MC1: You mention research publications leading to a healthcare product—how directly did your work translate into a commercial product? If possible, add metrics: adoption rates, revenue, regulatory approvals, or testimonials from major industry players. AI-enabled products: were you leading development, defining strategy, or contributing technically? Clarify your exact role.

MC2: Keynote sessions—good structure, but participation count alone is weak. Highlight impact: did these talks lead to partnerships, policy changes, or industry adoption? Industrial Advisory Panel role—what concrete influence have you had? Were your recommendations implemented? IEEE Membership and Taiwan Gold Card—these show recognition but not direct impact; they need to be supported by achievements that demonstrate leeadership.

MC3: IEEE publication is good, but white papers alone don’t hold much weight unless widely cited or industry-adopted. Have these publications led to any real-world implementations, patnets, or collaborations?

MC4: Salary evidence is strong, but you need to frame it better—how does your salary compare to UK tech leaders at your level? Make sure your comparison is relevant to product-led companies in the UK, not just generic industry averages.

OC3: Architecture diagrams and GitHub repos are strong, but don’t just list them—explain how they contributed to a major product or had an impact. CEO citation at an expo is great, but you need to clarify the context—was it about your direct contributions? What problem did you solve that was significant enough to be cited publicly?

OC4: Academic contributions—journals/conferences are good, but Tech Nation prioritizes industry impact. Have your academic contributions influenced real-world products, standards, or regulatory decisions? If so, make that clear.

Overall: You have a solid base, but you need to go beyond listing evidence and clearly link each point to measurable impact, industry recognition, or commercial success. Right now, some areas feel descriptive rather than demonstrating leeadership or innovation. Be explicit about how your work has changed the industry, influenced decisions, or driven adoption.


Hi @howardhughes

Thanks very much for the detailed feedback and the suggestions for further improvement. I have just structured the outline of the evidences in the above post. However, as you mentioned, I have included the contributions/key results/impact/recognition for each evidence. I will get back to you soon to review the full version of the supporting documents.

Thank you once again for your time.

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