Review Request- Exceptional Promise Outline - SAS/ Enterprise

Hi! I am a senior Enterprise Account Exec for a Fintech platform in a niche sector (alternative assets Data) looking to apply for exceptional promise. Can you please review my outline to see if I should move the MC and OC’s around, but also any feedback that can help my chances?

Potential Leader -

  1. (CV)

  2. Personal Statement – Linking Enterprise sales background and leadership over career to tying in nonprofits/charity into the Fintech space through Co founding family nonprofit outside of work offering networking and volunteering opportunities and crowd funding using digital tech partner.

  3. Recommendation Letters (Former CEO of Fintech Company,
    CTO of current Fintech Tech Company, Founding Partner/CEO of Partner Fintech Company)

  4. Mandatory Criteria (MC) Evidence
    • MC 1: Led Fintech Growth of Product-led digital technology Company (Requirement: have made significant commercial contributions to the field as a Senior employee of a product-led digital technology company)
    o Narrative: Senior Enterprise Account Executive leading all Enterprise Account deals in 2023/2024. Top contributor in segment for second year in a row and leading all enterprise opportunities in wealth management segment. Contribution toward revenue before Series C announcement in first year and continued sales success for 2024 expanding sales into new product offerings released
    o Evidence Structure:
     Evidence 1: Screenshot of current and past pipeline for 2023/2024 revenue contribution toward company ($600K YTD and on track for $1.5M EOY) with evidence of paid commission pay stubs for clients brought on and snapshot of performance dashboard in salesforce of performance metrics
     Evidence 2: Reference letter from Global Head of Sales at Current company describing potential for 2024 and past performance as leading the enterprise WM segment
     Evidence 3: Salary / commission structure (highest tier in industry, will provide benchmarks)
    • MC 2: innovation as an Enterprise Account Exec working on a new product concept and partnership with a mutual client and innovation through lead generation with Marketing Team for brand awareness and Revenue Generation
    o Narrative 1: As a Senior enterprise SAS Account Exec, I worked with our Product team to bring on a new large strategic initiative with a partner that is launching a new concept so our company can have an all in one digital / tech forward solution rather than just part of the process.
    Narrative 2: Working with our VP of Marketing to generated leads including Product Virtual Webinars I am hosting/leading, executed on my idea of a charity dog walk event at huge industry conference that resulted in 200+ registrations, and linking to over $100K of revenue
    o Evidence Structure:
     Evidence 4) press release with the new partnership and innovation announcing the new client fintech partner and myself quoted on details of the initiative / how it will change the product offering
     Evidence 5) VP of Marketing Reference Letter on collaboration of Dog Walking event, Product Webinar, and other initiatives I’ve lead generating revenue

  5. Optional Criteria
    (OC1) - Contributions to the Community and Volunteering Outside of Work (Can this be MC 1 as I am a cofounder and currently do this as well as my job?)
    OC 1: Narrative: After losing my brother in 2017, my family started a nonprofit to provide resources for long term sober living and to help with mental health. I handle all the digital technology marketing and revenue generating through crowd fundraising with a fintech partner Classy. We host a huge college lacrosse event with prominent universities (Princeton, UVA, Notre Dame, Ohio State, etc) over the last 5 years that has thousands of attendees and national media attention. At the event I speak to all players/coaches and request they do a digital campaign for us to drive revenue for our Nonprofit. All proceeds go toward raising funds to help people with Addiction and mental health and we have raised over $250,000 through digital marketing, social media campaigns, and events.
    o From this event I have created Volunteer Opportunities within Fintech at the national events for (all optional but volunteers are other fintech partners, clients, and industry peers)
    o Evidence Structure:
     Evidence 6) Website of nonprofit with Links to Media and videos of us speaking with the campaign with me and my family being interviewed about our story etc.
     Evidence 7) screenshot with link to digital tech platform we partner with showing the revenue brought in and Fund Raising marketing Campaign I generated after speaking with the colleges. Cabrini University raised $16,000, along with a princeton player’s page currently at $3,500 after this weekends games as a direct result from our speech
    • OC2: Speaking and Volunteering Engagement at large conference with rising Students about Fintech and how to get a job in the industry
    o Narrative: I volunteered and spoke at two large enterprise client’s conference, a well known industry conference to students and Teachers about navigating careers in FINTECH
    o Evidence Structure:
     Evidence 8) Agenda and outline of event and Picture of me with students along with Linked in screenshot about the program. (is linked in allowed? I saw in the manual not preferred?)
    OC 3 (Media Coverage and Thought Leadership)
    • Narrative: Outside of my company, I worked with a strategic partner in the industry to publish 5 fintech best practices for scaling enterprise firms using MLL/AI with M&A and trends that I’ve seen in the industry. I was asked to be a thought leader/expert as part of the interview
    o Evidence Structure:
     Document Evidence 9) White paper / Blog we released and thought article on 5 tips for scaling
     Document Evidence 10) Video of the interview

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Hi @salesgal

You need to select 2 optional criterias out of the 4. From the above structure it looks like all your evidence of OC falls under OC2.

OC1 is about product/digital innovation while OC3 is about impact of your contributions at a product-led digital company.

The event speaking you have mentioned will be considered if it had >100 attendees, if it was a leading event in digital tech sector and if you have pictures of speaking on mail stage? What’s the engagement on the LinkedIn posts?

Can you reframe your evidence set to cover MC and two optional criteria and then share for feedback?

Hi @salesgal

Please read technation guide, your list needs re-arrangement in my opinion. have you got only 2 recommendation letters? there must be 3.

as mentioned by @pahuja Ooptional criteria must be 2 out of 4. Media coverage can be added in mandatory as evidence of recognition or OC1 as innovation. Normally LinkedIn is not sufficient for an evidence.

Thank you both!!! @pahuja and @Maya .

I Re-organized, but let me know if i am not understanding the feecback! Yes on the 3 recommendation letters! I also added in a linked in podcast I do for thought leadership/fintech trends but wasn’t sure if that would count but assume it could since it gets a lot of reach and is with major industry fintech partners! Also- was all the MC evidence fine or did you recommend re-arranging that too? I worked mostly on OC due to comments!

Potential Leader -

  1. (CV)

  2. Personal Statement – Linking Enterprise sales background and leadership over career to tying in nonprofits/charity into the Fintech space through Co founding family nonprofit outside of work offering networking and volunteering opportunities and crowd funding using digital tech partner.

  3. Recommendation Letters (Former CEO of Fintech Company,
    CTO of current Fintech Tech Company, Founding Partner/CEO of Partner Fintech Company),
    Founding Partner of Partner firm mentioned below

  4. Mandatory Criteria (MC) Evidence (nothing changed)
    • MC 1: Led Fintech Growth of Product-led digital technology Company (Requirement: have made significant commercial contributions to the field as a Senior employee of a product-led digital technology company)
    o Narrative: Senior Enterprise Account Executive leading all Enterprise Account deals in 2023/2024. Top contributor in segment for second year in a row and leading all enterprise opportunities in wealth management segment. Contribution toward revenue before Series C announcement in first year and continued sales success for 2024 expanding sales into new product offerings released
    o Evidence Structure:
     Evidence 1: Screenshot of current and past pipeline for 2023/2024 revenue contribution toward company ($600K YTD and on track for $1.5M EOY) with evidence of paid commission pay stubs for clients brought on and snapshot of performance dashboard in salesforce of performance metrics
     Evidence 2: Reference letter from Global Head of Sales at Current company describing potential for 2024 and past performance as leading the enterprise WM segment
     Evidence 3: Salary / commission structure (highest tier in industry, will provide benchmarks)
    • MC 2: innovation as an Enterprise Account Exec working on a new product concept and partnership with a mutual client and innovation through lead generation with Marketing Team for brand awareness and Revenue Generation
    o Narrative 1: As a Senior enterprise SAS Account Exec, I worked with our Product team to bring on a new large strategic initiative with a partner that is launching a new concept so our company can have an all in one digital / tech forward solution rather than just part of the process.
    Narrative 2: Working with our VP of Marketing to generated leads including Product Virtual Webinars I am hosting/leading, executed on my idea of a charity dog walk event at huge industry conference that resulted in 200+ registrations, and linking to over $100K of revenue
    o Evidence Structure:
     Evidence 4) press release with the new partnership and innovation announcing the new client fintech partner and myself quoted on details of the initiative / how it will change the product offering
     Evidence 5) VP of Marketing Reference Letter on collaboration of Dog Walking event, Product Webinar, and other initiatives I’ve lead generating revenue

  5. Optional Criteria
    (OC2) - Contributions to the Community and Volunteering Outside of Work
    OC 2: Narrative: After losing my brother in 2017, my family started a nonprofit to provide resources for long term sober living and to help with mental health. I handle all the digital technology marketing and revenue generating through crowd fundraising with a fintech partner Classy. We host a huge college lacrosse event with prominent universities (Princeton, UVA, Notre Dame, Ohio State, etc) over the last 5 years that has thousands of attendees and national media attention. At the event I speak to all players/coaches and request they do a digital campaign for us to drive revenue for our Nonprofit. All proceeds go toward raising funds to help people with Addiction and mental health and we have raised over $250,000 through digital marketing, social media campaigns, and events.
    o From this event I have created Volunteer Opportunities within Fintech at the national events for (all optional but volunteers are other fintech partners, clients, and industry peers)
    o Evidence Structure:
     Evidence 6) Website of nonprofit with Links to Media and videos of us speaking with the campaign with me and my family being interviewed about our story etc.
     Evidence 7) screenshot with link to digital tech platform we partner with showing the revenue brought in and Fund Raising marketing Campaign I generated after speaking with the colleges. Cabrini University raised $16,000, along with a princeton player’s page currently at $3,500 after this weekends games as a direct result from our speech

OC 1 Innovation:* (Thought Leadership)
• Narrative: Outside of my company, I worked with a strategic partner in the industry to publish fintech best practices for scaling enterprise firms using MLL/AI with M&A and trends that I’ve seen in the industry. I was a part of Next Generation leadership initiatives, and created a industry trend podcast on linked in and conference participation with students about Fintech
o Evidence Structure:
7. Document Evidence 8)* White paper / Blog we released and thought article on 5 tips for scaling
Document Evidence 9) Created Industry linked in “5 in 5” Podcast with Fintech partners - released every week in the Fall. Screenshot of coverage and link to posts
Document Evidence 10)*Letter of Recommendation from CEO of Wealth Management Client/partner about thought leadership, participation in a next generation leadership forum in our industry at previous firm, and contributions at conferences (speaking to students and teachers about FINTECH at the industry conference of over 100+ attendees)

@salesgal For MC, you should include a variety of evidences (and not just evidences related to work). Aim is to show you as a leader “sector wide” + even outside of your occupation - things like awards you may have won, editorials you may have written, interviews with you, news articles showing impact of the work you did, events were you were a judge/jury, speaking at events etc.

For OC2, you should not confine yourself to the initiative which you/family established (in the past, TN has flagged OC2 evidences of founders who were mentors/speakers at events/orgs which they themselves founded). Try to include evidences from other external mentoring programs where you were selected, external speaking engagements etc.

For OC1, you need to show “innovation” i.e. new ideas, methods of doing things which are as original as possible + haven’t been done before. Unique GTM strategies you’d have created, lead gen using a new method/tech, unconventional sales strategy which had positive outcomes etc., these kind of things should be mentioned. In my observation, for business candidates, it’s slightly difficult to show OC1 and a bit simpler to show OC3 - so think about this possibility as well.