Review my evidence for an endorsement

Below are my achievements and evidence for endorsement, so please tell me if I’m eligible for an endorsement.
I’ll arrange this evidence later in Mandatory & Optional Criteria but currently, I just want to know if this is good for endorsement or not. Please give me your valuable suggestion.

I worked for a healthcare NGO. My job was to create an app for COVID-19. It helped patients and doctors, and it saved many lives. I received certificates, and a recommendation letter, and my name is featured on the organization’s website as recognition for my work.

I worked with a prominent fintech company where I contributed to the development of key features for one of their mobile applications. This application is downloaded by millions of users and is live on online platforms. I have a recommendation letter for my involvement and contributions to the project also GitHub (the repository is private but I’ve screenshots) and mail.

I participated as a mentor in the Hackathon, a prestigious national-level event initiated by the government to encourage innovation in technology. More than 37,000 teams took part, and only over 1,300 teams, including ours, were finalized (source from the official government website). Unfortunately, despite reaching the final, my team didn’t win, so there’s no online evidence of our achievement but I received a certificate from the event acknowledging my contribution.

My salary is well above the average range for my designation in my country, as evidenced by my employment contracts which include details of my salary.

I can provide a chart demonstrating my continuous collaboration on GitHub. However, most of my repositories are private, and I have not worked extensively on open-source projects. Despite this, I can share specific examples of my contributions and collaborations in private repositories if needed.

I have some reference letters and contract letters.

@Francisca_Chiedu @hsafra Please give me any suggestion

You may be eligible but you still need to read the tech nation guide, check examples of evidence in each criterion and see what you have to proof you meet the mandatory and two optional criteria. As it sounds I can see a couple of evidence, that’s not enough to may an input.

Thank you for your suggestion.

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Thanks for your response. I have arranged my evidence as follows. Please provide any suggestions or feedback.

Lors - Since I have been working at the same company for the last 6 years, I have arranged my letters as below:

  1. CTO of my current company.
  2. Co-Founder of my previous company (employed 6 years ago, but I still do side projects for them, which is mentioned in the letter).
  3. Co-Founder of a company that partnered with my current company.
    All referees have known me for the last 3-4 years.


  1. Reference letter from the NGO Co-Founder.
  2. Evidence of work in the NGO (Developed Mobile App): Email screenshot, link and screenshot of NGO’s website featuring my name and my contribution, GitHub contribution screenshot, App’s diagram and flows, Certificate received from the NGO.
  3. Event Speaker - Evidence includes email invitation screenshot, link and screenshot of Event’s website featuring my name as a speaker, Event pictures with the audience (500+ attendees) and other event pictures. (The event covered various topics, but my speech was about technology-related subject)
  4. News publication - link and screenshots of 2 articles published about me and my work (these are 1 month old; I am unsure if they will be considered).


  1. Reference letter from CMO of company where I am mentoring from last 1.5 years about App Development
  2. Evidence of mentoring: Email screenshot, link and screenshot of Company website featuring me as a mentor.
  3. Participation as a mentor in national-level hackathons organised by the government:
    Evidence includes mail screenshots about feedback as mentor, link and screenshot of 2 websites mentioning my team as a finalist, Certificate as a mentor, Pictures of hackathons (This hackathon was in March 2019; I am unsure if it will be considered).


  1. Reference letter from the CEO of my current company
  2. employment proof and salary slips, with my name featured on the company’s website.
  3. GitHub contributions over the last 5 years (links and screenshots), 2 projects contribution by mail conversion screenshot, GitHub contribution screenshots, link of app and diagrams of app
    Note - both projects have millions of users.

@pahuja @Francisca_Chiedu please share your valuable feedback

Hi @mahesh3110 good first cut!

MC: good!

  • Will the NGO support letter and work documentation be separate 2 documents?
  • merging the two under one and creating a separate evidence to perhaps highlight an experience from your workplace with a supporting letter might be stronger.


  • are these mentorships structured including a selection?


  • recommend adding self documentation of work along with the reference letter here to make a more comprehensive evidence document

Thank you @pahuja for your feedback.

Yes, the NGO support letter and documentation are separate documents. The support letter is about 3 pages long, and the evidence document is also lengthy, so I arranged them as two separate pieces of evidence.

The mentorship is a structured program, and I was selected as a mentor based on the mentor selection criteria. This is mentioned in the support letter, detailing how I was chosen as a mentor.

Yes, I created self-documents with attached evidence (screenshots and links).

I understand, and thanks for your feedback. I will try to obtain more support letters so I can merge them with my self-documents and make my case stronger.

Thanks again.

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