[Review Docs] Exceptional Promise + iOS Developer + 2.5 years

Hello everyone :blush:

I hope you’re all doing well. I’m currently preparing my Global Talent Visa application and would be incredibly grateful for any feedback or advice from this esteemed group. I’ve compiled my documents and evidence, and I’m keen to ensure that I present the strongest case possible.

The company I work for is a consulting firm that is a group company of the most used telecommunication company in Turkey. But I have been involved in the most important mobile application project of this telecommunication company throughout my working life. We use the same office and cafeteria. The e-mails of all our managers belong to this telecommunication company and they are seen as employees of this company. We share our annual vacations. I am mentioning these because I am aware that consulting firms are not looked upon in a good light.


  • CV
  • 3 LoR (2 CEO, 1 Digital Channels Director)
  • Evidences
  • Cover Letter
  1. CV
    It is a 2-page CV where I showcase all my skills. It was created using the “Jack’s Resume” theme, which is very common among software developers.

  2. LoR’s

  • CEO of Telecommunications Company
    Here he talks about the “Super App Transformation” project I did on the main mobile app of a telecommunications company. Thanks to this project, I was awarded the 2023 CEO award. Thanks to this development, users use the app +40% more. And many more statistics.

  • CEO of Telecommunications Group Company (Consulting)
    Here he talks about my presentations within the company, my mentoring in bootcamps and the orientation help I give to new hires. He also talks about the CEO award he gave me.

  • Digital Channels Director of Telecommunications Company
    Our director is familiar with my work, so he spoke more specifically about my work. Deeplinks, push notifications, eSim integration, etc. He talked about all the improvements I made in the application.

  1. Evidences
    (I apologize in advance, it’s quite complicated here. I wasn’t sure how to place it.)
  • Presentation: An example of my internal presentation. The presentation consisted of about 150 developers, but since it was in-house, I don’t have any video recordings. I only have the internal briefing email and poster.

  • Mentorship: It includes the voluntary mentoring I did in the bootcamp program that our company did. I have been doing it for 2 years. I provided mentorship to 2 students each year.

  • Super App Transformation Project: This development was perhaps the project that affected the development of the app the most. For this reason, I felt the need to add it to the evidence.

  • CEO Award: CEO Award for the Super App Transformation Project. Maybe it can be combined with the evidence above.

  • My Mobile Apps: Evidence of the apps I develop in my free time. I have 1 mobile application in Google Play and 4 mobile applications in App Store. Some of them received more than 3k downloads.

  • GitHub Contributions: I share most of the mobile apps I make as open source. They don’t have many stars. I also try to contribute to other people’s projects. Here I have added screenshots and a link to my github.

  • Organizer: I am an organizer in one of the largest communities in our city that is relevant to our field, which includes group photos of us at events and a letter from the founder of the community, Senior Developer.

  • Organizer: Organizing in another community, which is also my field. I have attached a letter from the founder of this community (Senior Developer).

  1. Personal Statement
    Here is a brief summary of my life and why I wanted to come to the UK.

  2. Cover Letter
    Here is an article in which I explain myself that the company I work for is a consulting firm, but I work in a really product-oriented place, not as a consultant.

I’d greatly appreciate any insights, especially regarding the clarity, completeness, or strength of my evidence. Suggestions on enhancing my application are more than welcome.

Thank you in advance for your time and support. Your feedback will be invaluable in helping me refine my application.

Hi @bahattin

I would recommend you go through the official Tech Nation guidelines thoroughly here to understand the application requirements of 3 criterias, examples of evidences considered by TN and also examples of evidences that are not accepted: Tech Nation Visa Guide - Tech Nation

Internal presentations and company awards are not accepted evidences. Mentorship has to be part of a structured program with selection and have a program structure to it, you will need appreciation email/program structure/testimonials etc to backup the mentorship claim.

For the work you have done in the company, you will have to break it down to projects and highlight your significant contribution along with quantified metrics of the impact it has had. This will need to be backed by third party evidence like support letters, any news articles, etc.

From the limited information above, you perhaps might be able to build around MC, OC3 (or OC1) and OC2: please go through the guide to select the criteria that best fits in the sense of your ability to provide strongest evidence towards.

Once you do that, you can share your revised evidence list under the 3 clearly selected criteria so it’s easier for you to get more relevant feedback.

Hope this helps!


I will post again after I have done what you have said, thank you very much for your help. :dizzy: