Request for review: Exceptional Promise (Designer)

Hello everyone, It’s been quite a year. I was working as a designer for a company who promised to sponsor my skilled worker visa and backed out at the last minute which leaves only 2 months for me to try this. I am planning to apply under Exceptional promise and I am looking for an honest opinion on my chances here.

About me
I am a multidisciplinary designer with 6 years of experience working with start-ups as well as large corporations in 3 countries. My documents most likely look like this.

Personal Statement


Mandatory Criteria - 1
Designed and developed performance marketing avenues for B2B product-led business communications firm with a positive impact on lead generation for multiple products.
Evidence - Screenshots of the designs.

LOR -1 - Letter from VP - HR and Marketing of the business Communications firm

Mandatory Criteria - 2
Led the growth of a non-profit organization designing E- learning digital interfaces for children pursuing STEM in schools.
Evidence - Screenshots of the products and newspaper clippings (Local language)

LOR -2 - Letter from AVP - Resource Mobilization of the Non-profit organization

Optional Criteria - 1
Led design in the product development team of Sustainable Travel App with a unique rating model
Evidence - Screenshots of the UX process and the interface

LOR -3 - Letter from CEO of the sustainable Travel Company

Optional Criteria - 2
Led the establishment of an Ecommerce business (Start-Up) in the UK. Responsible for market research, Web design, Ecommerce CRM, SEO and Performance marketing.
Evidence - Screenshots of the process, increase in sales and link to the live website

LOR -4 - Letter from the Director of the company who is also a board member on BPMA

Optional Criteria - 3
Research and development of a product for learning experience for designers (based on design thinking) from my University in the UK. Potential to be a unique product (mentioned by research supervisor in the LOR)
Evidence - Screenshots of the research and ux process, Pictures of a physical prototype

LOR - 5 - Letter from research supervisor from the University

Optional Criteria - 4
UX research for a Bio-mechanics start-up on identity, marketing strategy, helping identify target audience and sale avenues of the products

LOR -5 - Letter from the Founder of the company


LOR - 6 - Letter of Recommendation from Lead Creative Producer (with 12 years of experience) at Cisco UK detailing my contribution to the team

A job offer from a MNC in a different country.

What I feel is missing
Evidence of contributions to Open source projects - i don’t know what that is for a designer
Experience of mentorship

Looking forward to you responses.


I am not sure I understand the lay out of your evidence. You need three recommendation letters from experts in the digital technology sector who know your work. You need to provide 2-3 evidence to meet the mandatory criteria, 2-3 evidence to meet two optional criteria. You evidence are mostly screenshot bit they don’t necessarily demonstrate leadership, innovation or impact.

I am not sure I understand the lay out of your evidence. You need three recommendation letters from experts in the digital technology sector who know your work. You need to provide 2-3 evidence to meet the mandatory criteria, 2-3 evidence to meet two optional criteria. You evidence are mostly screenshot bit they don’t necessarily demonstrate leadership, innovation or impact.