Request for Product Manager Exceptional Talent Review

Hi All,

Would love to get some feedback on my application. I’m a Senior Product Leader with 7+ years of experience from Brisbane, Australia. Looking to go the exceptional talent route focusing on my contributions to the community/broader sector and my contributions to strong product-led software companies.

Statement of Purpose - I talk about how hard my journey was to get into product management, and how I want to change the ecosystem to make it easier for people to get into the profession and get the support to become great at the craft. In addition to this I have become a strong product leader so I am able to make significant professional contributions as soon as I land in London.

Letter of Recommendations

  1. CEO and Founder from a previous company (AdTech Saas that is now the global leader).
  2. VP of Engineering from the same business as #1 who has won an engineer of the year award.
  3. PM From Canva who is widely recognised in the community as a leader and has known me and my work for a significant amount of time.

Mandatory Criteria
You have evidence of speaking at high-profile digital technology sector events, or specialist events for your particular field in the digital technology sector, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings or similar evidence (including event size/attendance estimates where possible).

Evidence 1 - Document describing my work for this, and a reference from the host of a large event (100+ attendees) in London that I spoke at last year in December. (Should I split these?)

You command a high salary or other remuneration for your services, as evidenced by commercial or employment contracts with salary information including any bonus and equity options and history of earnings.

Evidence 2 - Document detailing my employment history and earnings, with research and evidence from government websites and recruitment guides as to my value. Also providing payslips to support this.

Optional Criteria
How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector?

Evidence 3 - Document describing a speaking event that I hosted last year at my workplace office, with a supporting document from the host of the event to validate the value of it. (Should I split these?)

Evidence 4 - Document describing my start-up business that is focused on coaching and mentorship of other product managers in the community.

Optional Criteria
Having led in the development of high-impact digital products or services

Evidence 5 - Document describing my work at my most recent workplace, and a letter of recommendation from the VP of engineering there to support my contributions as being high-impact.

CV and LinkedIn

Some of my questions are:

  1. Are the people I’ve chosen for my recommendations alright?
  2. Should I look to get more evidence of significant contributions to high-impact digital product or services? To do this I would look to describe a bit more of my work at the Ad-Tech and get another recommendation from a senior member of staff there.
  3. How does my application look overall?

Since quite a few of my documents and recommendations are connected, I’m not sure if I should try and get more information which would likely repeat information that exists in some of the recommendation letters.

Any advice would be helpful!

Five evidence is not sufficient. Just showing speaking event and salary for the mandatory criteria may not be sufficient. Also The event you hosted at your workplace may be interpreted as part of your job you also need to show how it has advanced the sector.

Thanks for the reply!

That sounds reasonable, how much evidence should I provide if 5 isn’t sufficient? I can maintain that the event that I hosted at the workplace wasn’t part of me job - completely separate and that the workplace just hosted it.

I will gather some more evidence to show that I have advanced the sector - I have an idea for this.

Hello @Francisca_Chiedu, @s cv of recommender, what are the option available. Would a link to their Linkedin profile be sufficient.

Hi @Afolabi,

Regarding CV, my suggestion is to get their details from LinkedIn and put that in the word document, and add the link to their linkedin profile and screenshot, along with that add media clips, video links, bloomberg details etc and basic intro about your referrer like who they are.

Thank you for this info…