Request for Letters of Recommendation and Guidance on Supporting Evidence Industry Leaders (MC)

I am requesting two letters of recommendation from industry leaders as part of the two out of three pieces of evidence required to meet the mandatory criteria for revenue growth, with each letter serving as standalone evidence. I also have additional supporting evidence to substantiate the claims made in these letters. Should I add two more pages to each one-page letter of recommendation for the supporting evidence, making each a total of three pages, or is there a better way to organize and present this information? I am only concerned about potentially disrupting the document logs.

  • yes you can add other evidence pieces into the same document as Support letter till overall document is 3 pages.
  • what do you mean by 2 out of 3 evidences required to meet MC? There is no upper limit of 3 or any number. You should provide as much evidence required towards an MC that strongly enables you to meet the criteria.
  • the upper cap is only on total evidences 10 to be used across 3 criteria with minimum 2 evidence doc per criteria
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This works. You can let them know that in addition to the reference letter supporting your work you have provided evidence of the work or give brief explanation of the evidence.

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