Rejection Reason

Please @Francisca_Chiedu, can you assist to interpret this rejection outcome:

  1. Whilst the applicant has been awarded the Mandatory Criteria and OC4 as part of the first assessment there are some concerns the evidence submitted is per Tech Nation guidelines. As per Tech Nation guidelines, contributions and innovations for product-led companies only qualify for Optional Criteria when the candidate is a confirmed employee, founder, executive, or board member of that organisation.

A bit of background: This user applied under Optional Criteria 2 and 4.

  1. Hackathons do not demonstrate extraordinary and exceptional ability to lead the field.

A bit of background, this user participated on a hackathon and won in the hackathon.

  1. With regard to the applicant on the editorial board (as per the application the applicant is the editor and editorial board member of the Journal of … , activity within this space would fall into the applicants occupation.

@May, do you think, there is a case here for appeal?

I don’t understand what you are asking.

Apologies if it was ambiguous. This were the reason given for a friends rejection and needs guidance in understanding it and how she can respond.

Do you think there is case here for an appeal?

I have asked her to Join the forum.

I think the first part of the feedback is confusing. If the applicant applied for optional Criteria 1 then the statement about innovation is correct as the guide states you have to be a founder of senior executive of a product-led company while employees need to show they have worked in new digital field.

If the assessor made reference to a criteria she didn’t apply for then state it in a review.

As for the comment regarding contribution to journal, if the applicant is a volunteer board member then it should be clarified in the review. It appears the assessor assumed that it is part of their day job.

What other evidence did she submit? It appears the applicant only has a gap with optional criteria 2, is that the case?

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Thank you so much. I am not sure of other evidence. Once I confirm her ID, I will tag her to this question… Much appreciated.

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We need to see the full list of evidence per criteria to provide more informed feedback. I don’t understand why they’re getting feedback that looks like OC1 and OC3 when they haven’t chosen those criteria.

As per Tech Nation guidelines, contributions and innovations for product-led companies only qualify for Optional Criteria when the candidate is a confirmed employee, founder, executive, or board member of that organisation.

The 3rd rejection can be appealed if they can prove it was a voluntary contribution outside their immediate employment. What category of occupation or skill did they apply under?