Reference Letter number of pages

Hi blessed TN Alumni,

Good evening once again.

Please in the MC list, I have chosen the below as one of my answers.

  • You have received nationally or internationally recognised prizes or awards for excellence specifically in the digital technology sector, as evidenced by the award itself, reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your achievement, or as evidenced by news clippings or similar evidence.

Now, unlike the Recommendation Letter that is explicitly clear on the total number of pages which is 3, I am not sure of the total number of pages for the Reference Letter. So my seniors, what is the total number of pages required for each Reference Letter.

My award is clear on its purpose of issuance. In my MC document, I have added links to the demo project with login details.

Thank you

Each evidence document can be maximum 3 pages.

Reference letter can be used on its own as an individual piece of evidence or included as part of an evidence document.

Thank you so much Pahuja @pahuja.

However, I am a bit not clear with your response below.

If I understand you clearly, do you mean that each of my reference letters can be part of the 3 pages of each of my evidence for which the reference letter was written???

I am specifically not clear with the phrase “can be used on its own as an individual piece of evidence

Thank you

All evidence can be a total of 3 sides of an A4. Your reference letters can be 3 pages on their own so be a whole document on its own, or it can be merged with other evidence, but still has to be a max of 3 pages combined.

Your 3 main reference letters have individual upload places on the form outside of your 10 evidence files. They can still only be 3 sides of an A4 page.

Thank you so much Nat @Nat

Its clear now with the reference letter.

However, by what you wrote below “Your 3 main reference letters”, I believe you were referring to Recommendation Letters and not Reference Letters.

Thank you

Yes, I was referring to the 3 main recommendation letters, sorry

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It can be upto 3 pages.

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Thank you Nat. I am grateful

Thank you too Pahuja. I am grateful