Recommender relationship

Please, for someone applying for exceptional promise, is it bad for a recommender to state in the recommendation letter that he has known me since 11 years ago during my National Diploma study programme, state what we did together then like winning hackathon programmes, and also what we did together recently i.e within 5 years ago till today?

Please, advice me?

Thank you.

LORs should be from well-established individuals acknowledged as experts in the digital technology field, with detailed knowledge of your work over a period of 12 months or more, supporting your Global Talent application, which include all of the following:

Each person who writes a letter for you must:

  • Be a senior member of their organisation
  • Know your work
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Be cautious with this, as a recent rejection was caused by LOR that referred to work that was done with the candidate more than five years ago, potentially leading to the candidate being evaluated as Talent


I would suggest to avoid it if possible
Though there is no official details whether it’s valid or not
Time will tell us soon lol

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Thank you, @May. I heartily appreciate.

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