RE; Application review (updated document)

Years of experience: 4+ years

  1. CV (Included volunteering info and media links)
  2. SoP (Spoke about my self-taught transition to design, my work achievements, my out-of-office contributions and finally my plans for the future)
  3. Mandatory Evidence**

MC #1 (Evidence 1)
Stock option, screenshot of two stock options from two companies that I currently work with, screenshot of the mail attachment

MC #2 (Evidence 2)
High renumeration for my current job, showing employment letter and payslip indicating I earn higher than the average designer in my country.

MC#3 (Evidence 3)
Reference letter from the CEO of the company as a backup evidence for my stock option

4. Optional Evidence #2 (recognised for my work outside)

**Mentorship (Evidence 4)-**Facilitator at free structured UIUX training for over 425 people organised by a tech-focused NGO as a volunteer. I planned and structured the first product design cohort. I included screenshots of testimonials showing my name on the website, the list of facilitators under the NGO circling my name, screenshot of different cohort and students

Mentorship (Evidence 5)– Mentor, trainer and facilitator at free structured UIUX training for over 105 people organised by another tech-focused NGO (Not the one mentioned in Evidence 6) as a volunteer. I included screenshots from classes, links to teaching documents of all classes as well as curriculum, my picture on there website as a facilitator / mentor testimonials from students after each class giving their positive feedback

Mentorship (Evidence 6)– open source project in the figma community with over 36.8k users , published 2 years ago ,(screenshot if the project on figma community showing me as the owner and showing the number of users in bold , screenshot of positive comments from users, screenshot of the project on figma itself showing that im the owner in bold when I click share. I also explained what the project is for and how it has helped designers and developers

Mentorship (Evidence 7)– Another open source project in the figma community with over 17.8k users , published 1 year ago ,(screenshot if the project on figma community showing me as the owner and showing the number of users in bold , screenshot of positive comments from users, screenshot of the project on figma itself showing that im the owner in bold when I click share. I also explained what the project is for and how it has helped designers and developers

5. Optional Evidence #3 - (impact in product-led tech company)

Significant Contribution as employee at Current company (All evidence in 1 document) (Evidence 8)
– Document includes details of a product owned by Current employer with traction. Evidence includes screenshots to employment letter, designs, metric dashboards showing traction, screenshot of me being awarded the CEO of the month on slack. Success of these products can be attributed to design as I led the design as a vice president design and that bumped up user engagement and retention and by ripple effect, eventual funding. Document also includes screenshot of letter from CEO confirming all these.

Significant Contribution as employee at current company (All evidence in 1 document) (Evidence 9)
– Document includes details of a product owned by another Current employer with traction. Evidence includes screenshots to employment letter, designs, metric dashboards showing traction, mail screenshots of my promotion, Success of these products can be attributed to design as I led the successful launch as a development Team lead and that increased user engagement and revenue within 3 month of lunch, Document also includes screenshot of brainstorming meetings with the CEO and the broader team (CTO,COO) AND A SCREENSHOT OF A LETTER from the CEO confirming all these.

Significant Contribution as Founder at past company (All evidence in 1 document) (Evidence 10)
– Document includes details of a product owned by a past employer . Evidence includes screenshots to employment letter, designs, metric dashboards showing traction, Success of these products can be attributed to design as I led the successful launch as a senior designer , evidence of me planning another product under he company, screenshot of the user flow and figma designs, mail content of me being appreciated by my CEO for my growth in the company, figma screenshot that im the owner of these files, screenshot of revenue dashboard

6. Recommendation letters

Rec Letter #1 - CEO/Founder of Current company I worked at, who is familiar with my work for 2+ years. Some of these work was used in MC and OC3.

Rec Letter #2 - CEO/Founder of Fashion company I worked at, who is familiar with my work for 2+ years. Some of these work was used in MC and OC3.

Rec Letter #3 - CEO of a n African mentorship program speaks about my contributions outside of work with over 10 years of experience. His letter confirmed my OC2 Evidence.

@alexnk @Francisca_Chiedu

MC is very weak. Only renumeration evidence and letters (that too backing the renumeration) is insufficient. Using 3 spots only to validate one point of high renumeration is not proving you are a leading talent in digital technology.


Thanks Pahuja …what will you suggest i use?

@Mide wont be able to suggest till I know your past 4 years of work experience in more detail.

I responded to your previous application that was rejected. You didn’t respond to my comment. Surprised you are tagging me on a new thread.

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-I agree with @pahuja about the MC, which can be packed together as 1 evidence.
-Gentel reminder that your high salary will also need to be benchmarked to your market.
-You may be able to shift or include some of your success leadership mentioned in your OC3, but make it specific to prove your leadership for your MC.

Your OC2 seems weak and still be in doubt for me.
-As a facilitator may not meet the criteria, as per guideline, you will need to be the senior/main mentor in the mentorship programe.
-Your contribution in the Figma community has to be significant and really help other tech persons.

OC3 seems to be full and tight with many numeric data and supported by LOR, which is good.

I suggest to do some more adjustment and read the guideline carefully to ensure that you have at least 2 strong evidence on each criteria.

I hope this helps @Mide

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thanks …i get it now

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ohh my bad i saw it but i just decided to do a new application since making an appeal wont help

thanks so much @alexnk
id definitely make my evidences more stronger
i appreciate you

Here’s the updated i made to my documents after the last review
what do you think about this evidence

  1. Mandatory Evidence**

MC #1 (Evidence 1)
Significant Contribution as employee at a past company (All evidence in 1 document) (Evidence 3)**
– i Planned and Designed a mobile & web app, of a company under MC3 Evidence includes screenshots of figjam collaboration, figma design screenshot screenshots of reference letter from CEO confirming my work.

MC #2 (Evidence 2)
High renumeration for my current job, showing employment letter and payslip indicating I earn higher than the average designer in my country, Stock option, screenshot of two stock options from two companies that I currently work with, screenshot of the mail attachment

MC#3 (Evidence 3)
Significant Contribution as employee at a past company (All evidence in 1 document) (Evidence 3)**
– i lead the research and design, Document includes details of a product owned by an employer. Evidence includes screenshots to employment letter, signed section of the employment contract and high numeration, user research report and screenshot of the competitive analysis i did at the company, screenshots of referrence letter from CTO confirming my work, Screenshot of evidence of pivoting from reference letter.

4. Optional Evidence #2 (recognised for my work outside)

**Mentorship (Evidence 4)-**Lead Facilitator at free structured UIUX training for over 425 people organised by a tech-focused NGO as a volunteer. I planned and structured the first product design cohort. I included screenshots of testimonials showing my name on the website, the list of facilitators under the NGO circling my name, screenshot of different cohort and students

Mentorship (Evidence 5)– Lead facilitator Mentor, trainer and at free structured UIUX training for over 105 people organised by another tech-focused NGO (Not the one mentioned in Evidence 6) as a volunteer. I included screenshots from classes, links to teaching documents of all classes as well as curriculum, my picture on there website as a facilitator / mentor testimonials from students after each class giving their positive feedback

Mentorship (Evidence 6)– open source project in the figma community with over 36.8k users , published 2 years ago ,(screenshot if the project on figma community showing me as the owner and showing the number of users in bold , screenshot of positive comments from users, screenshot of the project on figma itself showing that im the owner in bold when I click share. I also explained what the project is for and how it has helped designers and developers

Mentorship (Evidence 7)– Another open source project in the figma community with over 17.8k users , published 1 year ago ,(screenshot if the project on figma community showing me as the owner and showing the number of users in bold , screenshot of positive comments from users, screenshot of the project on figma itself showing that im the owner in bold when I click share. I also explained what the project is for and how it has helped designers and developers

@alexnk @pahuja

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  • You have mentioned salary and employment details in two different documents. Can you combine in 1 evidence titled salary and employment?
  • the 1st and last document + letters: what was the impact of your work needs to be very clear rather than the work itself.
  • what are the external evidences?

OC2 looks much better and good now.

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Yes @pahuja ive made that changes and the update
my Mc now states

MC #1 (Evidence 2)

  • Significant Contribution as employee at a past company (All evidence in 1 document) (Evidence 3)**
    – i Lead, Planned and Designed a mobile & web app, of a company under MC3 Evidence includes screenshots of figjam collaboration, figma design screenshot, highlighted screenshots of reference letter from CTO(of MC3 evidence) confirming the impact of my work and how my designs increased Revenue. Screenshot of the CEO of the the main company confirming my work and how i he partnered with the company in (MC3)

MC #2 (Evidence 2)
High renumeration for my current job, showing employment letter and payslip indicating I earn higher than the average designer in my country, Stock option, screenshot of two stock options from two companies that I currently work with, screenshot of the mail attachment

MC#3 (Evidence 3)
Title-Significant Contribution as employee at a past company (All evidence in 1 document) (Evidence 3)
– i lead the research and design, Document includes screenshots to employment details, the evidence(screenshot) of how i lead the user research report and screenshot of the competitive analysis i did at the company, screenshots of reference letter from CTO confirming my work, Highlighted Screenshot of a part of the reference letter stating my impact and how i worked with the company in (MC1)

Thanks for your feedback
i appreciate it

i have a quick question tho
my reference letter came in 2 pages …would it be nice if i show the screenshot of the two pages in one page of my MC evidence and explain in details to the reviewer that this is page 1 and page 2 of the screenshot of my reference letter?? @pahuja @alexnk

best wishes to your application @Mide

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Thanks @alexnk Ive made necessary changes and i’ve applied


welldone @Mide .
Im wishing you the very best in your application. kindly keep us updated