Rate my profile Customer success & Sales


I have reviewed my career and I have found the below achievements. Could the forum please review my profile and recommend improvements?

  1. Sales role for Product company 3.5 years and customer success (software adaption and business contribution to product teams) for 8 months
  2. High salary with stock options since 4+ years with all three product companies that I have worked for
  3. Product contributions in the area of knowing functional requirements from customers and communicating this to the product release.
  4. Guest lectures on Customer success for universities across the world with more than 50+ students
  5. Creating and organizing common interest groups for Customer success professionals
  6. Published paper on the evolution of customer success
  7. Trade magazine coverage of the roles of sales and customer success in a reputed media.
  8. One talk on a leading platform to talk about evolution of customer success

You can read the tech nation guideline more closely and arrange your evidence, matching it to the criteria with some explanation of how it meets the criteria.

This is how I arranged mine as an example:

You can also look out for other profiles for business applicants in this forum.

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