Questions Specific To Mandatory Criteria

Q1 Hi, I want to check if below evidence is sufficient for Mandatory criteria

  • Letter from CPO of the company I worked for, reported to him as well
  • Letter from Business Head of the company I worked for
  • Product Screenshots, UX, and Media reports of the product I built not me
  • Salary & Equity

Q2 "Published material in professional or major trade publications or major media about the applicant related to the applicant’s work in the digital technology sector "

Is it necessary that applicant should be “quoted” in media publication?

Q3 - " * You have evidence of speaking at high-profile digital technology sector events, or specialist events for your particular field in the digital technology sector, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings or similar evidence (including event size/attendance estimates where possible)."

I have spoken in several conferences, and have received a speaker badge, a letter from the conference CEO but I am using that as a evidence in OC2. Can I use the same evidence I am using in OC2 in MC as well?

It is necessary to be quoted in the publication.
Most of your evidence are letters and it’ll be needful to have an externally verifiable evidence that speaks about your contributions and achievements in the sector.

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Hi @May

Thank you, specific to my third question

I have my name published on several conference boards as a speaker. I am using it for OC2. I can use it for MC as well

Can I check if I can use the same evidence for two criterias?

You can use the same speaking engagement for MC and OC2. Aside posters, do you have pictures and videos if you speaking. Were participants at the event over 100?

Yes, have pictures of me speaking. Yes participants were more than 100

I don’t have video as it is in password protected format on organiser website. I have a letter from conference CEO covering, why was I invited, number of attendees and my role etc

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What you have is good enough


@Francisca_Chiedu Do you think this proof is sufficient for mandatory criteria?

  • Letter from CPO of the company I worked for, reported to him as well
  • Letter from Business Head of the company I worked for
  • Product Screenshots, UX, and Media reports of the product I built not about me
  • Salary & Equity
  • Speaking at Conference, Photos (also using in OC2)
  • Letter from conference organiser (ALSO using in OC2)

How many evidence are you submitting? I thinking you should merge two letters as one evience so it doesn’t appear like your evidence are mostly reference letters.
Conference speaking photos and reference fro the organiser should be merged as one evidence ( let the organise state the reason you were asked to speak, for instance of your are known for your expertise in the subject, the organiser should say so.
You can list the conference speaking first
reference letters second
salary &Equity third
evidence of product can be supported with a reference and the news about the product.



  1. Conference speaking photos, link to videos, different conferences I have been a speaker - [Using it for OC2 and MC]
  2. Letter from conference organiser/CEO - [Using it for OC2 and MC]
  3. Product and Innovation Details in Company A & Company C + its reference in media - [Using it for OC1]
  4. Salary growth, high salary and equity growth in Company A, B, C - [ Using it for MC and OC1]
  5. Product I built in company “B” screenshots, link to launch video, media publications which talked about product with rough reader views screenshot from similarweb, one of the press releases I was part of etc [Using it for MC]
  6. Letter from another conference organiser and mentorship program I was part of as a mentor for six months - [Using it for OC2]
  7. Reference letter from CPO of company C, I didn’t report to, however he was highly appreciative my work, talks about innovation - [Using it for OC1]
  8. Reference letter from Senior Director of Product I reported to - talking about how I grew product and brought revenue, growth in Company B - [Using it for MC]
  9. Reference Letter from Country Head who was senior to me and I didn’t report to - about how I grew product and brought revenue, growth in Company B - [Using it for MC]
  10. Reference Letter from VP Business of Company A, I didn’t report to, covering how my innovative work brought additional revenue and growth for company [Using it for OC1]