Question on Academic Track Record

I am gathering evidence to apply for Exceptional Promise. Going through the TechNation visa guide, I noticed the following statement:

  • personal factors such as your academic track record, salary level and company you’re being hired by, or amount of money raised if an entrepreneur

Does this mean I can add my academic achievements as evidence? I ask this because I graduated with a very good result and also got a scholarship while at the university.

Yes, but does it plug into the narrative of you as global tech talent?

Coming out with a 90 percentile in bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or engineering is nice but I don’t think does it plugs into your narrative well. Especially when compared with someone that had their thesis on something that was adopted in the tech space.

I hope I have been able to help.


Thanks for your input. I considered it because I felt that a good Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science shows promise but I will look at other piece of evidence