Query regarding Letter of Recommendation

Hi everyone,
Is it alright to get Letter of Recommendation from 3 people from the same organization?

I think its best not to, they could be mistaken for colleagues and not experts

Thanks @nwachukwu_chibuike,

2 people from the same company should be fine?

They have around 15+ years as CEO and CTO,

I guess so, just make sure they have publicly verifiable profiles, so no assessor would think otherwise.

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One more question, I had received the Tech guru award by my organization in 2017, I have a certificate and award can I add that in the pdf for award for excellence?

The guide says it only considers recognitions within the 5yr gap, that’s from 2018 upwards. Also, recognition from within your company may not be considered as exceptional

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I hae seen someone whose application got rejected because of this.

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Thanks @Francisca_Chiedu & @nwachukwu_chibuike

I have a query if the LOR can be digitally signed or does it need to be signed by a physical pen?

A letterheaded LOR with a digital signature should suffice, from my experience though

Most people sign digitally

can you elaborate on this please? How do they sign this digitally

Most people already have their digital signature saved as an image. They simply copy and paste it in a word document.

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Hey @Francisca_Chiedu, would both the below cases be also counted as valid:

  1. Recommender copy-pasting the image of the signature into the doc + sharing the doc with me? (note that this doesn’t contain a “log file to prove the recommender + applicant are in different IP addresses”)

  2. Recommender physically signing the doc (with ink) + sending scanned copy to me?

Thank you for your help!

For digital signatures I would advise using a digital signing service like docusign as explained in the guide. Shame to fail on technicalities.

Physical signature + scan are accepted