[Promise Rejection] - Help me with my Review(MC not awarded)

I was rejected for Mandatory Criteria, here is the feedback

For MC, based on the website I submitted 4 of the possible relevant evidence,

1. You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product or team inside a digital technology company, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings, lines of code from public repos or similar evidence.

Here I submitted two pieces of evidence

i. An evidence showcasing I led the frontend team for the innovative company that was accepted in OC1. I worked as a Product Engineer II and the FrontEnd Team Lead at this new concept company A despite I was a mid-level engineer. I spearheaded the launch of a successful product two months ahead of schedule, leading a team of 5 engineers from conceptualization to alpha, beta release, and ultimately launch, while also contributing 38% of total pull requests, 40% of the commits and reviewing pull requests. I also added a screenshot of the GitHub repo showing this metric I stated above, and the works I carried out.

ii. I also added a reference letter from the CTO, a leading expert, just to be able to back my claims.

iii. I also added I was a frontend instructor at popular tech marketplace company in Nigeria, where I was in-charge of coaching two cohorts of above 40 applicants, which total to above 10million+ income, and I spearheaded the creation of comprehensive lesson plans, curricula, and course content for various front-end technologies, and also building an app for the company to support the learning process.

2. * You command a high salary or other remuneration for your services, as evidenced by commercial or employment contracts with salary information including any bonus and equity options and history of earnings.

I added this too but I know this alone wouldn’t fly, more reason I added the other pieces of evidence for the MC.

3. You have held or hold a significant expert role participating on panels, or individually, assessing the work of others in the same field or a field of specialisation related to the digital technology sector.

Here I submitted an evidence showcasing how I was part of the assessors and a panel of judge during for the Andela Bootcamp. Andela is a well-respected and recognisable tech organisation in Nigeria, with the Bootcamp program been an important of the Nigeria tech eco-system, it was recognised as a company that is harder to get into, with 1% acceptance rate. There was a CNN article to back this up https://edition.cnn.com/2015/06/24/africa/andela-start-up-nigeria/index.html

I would really appreciate your help here @Francisca_Chiedu @alexnk @May, do I a stand chance for appeal?

I thought what mattered was the ability to showcase some of relevant evidence and not all or a particular one take precedence like the accessor was particular about high-profile speaking, or major news publication.

it gets harder by the day

Hi @Francisca_Chiedu do you think there is an opportunity for an appeal here?

Yes, I think so too.

I think you have opportunity to be endorsed after appeal. Use this opportunity to point the assessor for what you explained above.

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Okay @alex_james , I will do just that. A summary pointing them to my evidence should suffice, right ?

Is it okay if I posting a draft of my appeal here?

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For the MC (based on the feedback):

  1. Your salary was accepted.
  2. Your judging as a panellist was also accepted as part of Andela (a win for you).
  3. The product you led as a front end developer, you should be able to explain it better and connect it back to the innovation which was accepted. The assessor even mentioned that you have demonstrated level of excellence and put a clause using “Aside”. In your review, explain the listed 3 things highlighted and tell them as a PROMISE, you only need to show at least one evidence in the examples provided on their website. in your own case, you showed 3 which should be qualified. I think this is your best opportunity to get it. Best of luck

Beside, when did you apply and get feedback? Also, how many edits did you get? Thanks


Thanks @alex_james for helping to point out what I could use to make a good appeal case, I applied on March 13 and got feedback on April 18th. I had like 7 to 9 edits, but I am certain of at least 7 edits.


Hi @Yomi_Olaoye were the repo u added just screenshot or you also added reference links to it as well ?

I added both screenshots (like 3 to 4) and links(4 also).
All these are different screenshots of various GitHub activities during my time at the firm.

I don´t think the Andela bootcamp holds much weight for MC, it is an outsourcing firm and the headline of the article is a little misleading. It is not equivalent to doing peer review for a science journal.

It also teaches things like making web apps and is not more selective than Harvard as the applicant pool of Harvard is typically more qualified and Harvard would teach you advanced degrees and give you a scientific understanding of things and not just how to make things with libraries someone else made.

But overall I think you have a chance if you argue that you have multiple other valid criteria like high salary.

Yea, @Leon that title could be misleading, and more like that may be a marketing play from the company, although, on the tech side of things, Andela is very difficult to get into via the boot camp. but I intend to argue my case on the fact that it is a prestigious engineering boot camp program in Nigeria, and touch point on other valid criteria.

Many people have gotten into andela and used this as evidence previously and it wasn’t seen as a strong evidence.

That is an interesting one @Francisca_Chiedu .I guess I will just have to package this panel of judge evidence with the other evidence on leading the growth of two product-led companies that wasn’t taken into account.

It’s weird that u added your GitHub contribution and you were still rejected… what else do they want to see

@Chikadibia_George i can’t say I know exactly, the best I can do for myself is to make an appeal and be optimistic about it. I was shocked too🥲

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@Yomi_Olaoye I also think you have a good chance to appeal.

Just in case you did not know, make sure you point out the paragraph in the files you submitted, with some strong explanations. You will not be able to add new evidence or point to any other evidence outside of your submitted evidence.

Yea @alexnk. I am aware I won’t be able to add more evidence. I did something very similar to your suggestion, pointing them to those paragraphs that would matter most for the appeal.