Hi @Francisca_Chiedu , @pahuja and everyone. My name is Adedoyin, i’m currently a product manager at RT, building Flowmono. I’ve been preparing to apply for exceptional promise endorsement as a product manager with almost 3years of experience. i have worked at about 3 startups (including my current company, RT).

Recommendation letters:
1 - VP, Engineering at current company(RT), Also former Engineer at Delloitte.
2 - CEO, DaaS company, where i worked as a technical product manager over a year ago.
3 - CEO, Logistics tech startup, we met at a tech conference when i started my career 2 years ago, and has seen my career growth and progression.
4 - Senior manager at a canadian company, formerly the sales manager at Interswitch Group before relocating to canada. Known me for over 3 years. and has over 10years of experience.


  1. Evidence that i command high salary: how i transitioned from backend developer to product management, screenshot of my portfolio showing product i’ve worked on and its launched, screenshot of my experiences as on linkedin. screenshots of my offer letters(current company and side gig) showing my monthly renumeration, i calculated them into annual income and then converted the value to pounds equivalent (i added the link to the converter i used). then explained my total monthly income, and compared it with what an average PM earns in my local jurisdiction, using glassdoor and my salary scale(also added the links)
  2. evidence of speaking at high-profile digital technology sector events: I wrote about the API conference event i spoke at, what my topic was, added the media publication link about the event. the event audience size(not registration… actual attendees) talked about the speaker selection process, screenshot of when i applied, screenshot of when i got an email of my speaker topic proposal being accepted(after two months), screenshots of my flier being posted on the conferences media pages (x and linkedin), the event schedule highlighting my name, and my topic. then image of me speaking on stage and the audience. then a supporting letter from one of the organizers, who is also the founder of a web3 community and a developer advocate at an international company.
  3. My work as a product manager, building a web app from scratch at my current company. Attached link to my employment letter, highlighted my role in the company, the product excerpts, all the documentations i wrote for the product highlighting me as the owner. screenshot and link of the product on live. screenshot of conversation between me and my team on Microsoft Teams, and email of my communication with our top client who the product is built for, Sterling bank. supporting letter from a senior colleague who is also the VP, Design at my company.

1 - My role at DaaS company as a technical product manager, highlighting my role. The specific features i innovated to the product, what those features are meant for, screenshots of those features on the application. screenshots of the documentation highlighting those features in the PRD. link to the PRD. technical contributions on github, such as me assigning tasks to the developers, me being a reviewer on their github implementation before its merged and deployed. links to me facilitating daily standups and demos. Supporting letter from my co-technical product manager who i worked with/under.

  1. Speaking at a pre-event live webinar of a large tech conference organized and hosted by the lagos state government. it was a webinar, so it was streamed live on zoom and youtube. The views arent much though. attached screenshots of the email inviting me to be on the panel, screenshot of the panel guide with my name and my questions to answer, screenshot of the award/gala night of the main event VIP invite. screenshot of the event banner. Link to the youtube event where i spoke. and supporting letter from the program co-ordinator of the main event.
  2. mentorship at 3 different programs.
  • IWD mentorship program that ran for 8weeks. screenshot and link of my mentorship badge that i got after successful mentorship completion, testimonial from one of my mentees.
  • non technical bootcamp where i facilitated the product management track for 6 weeks, trained about 15 students out of the 26 that registered, and only 11 got to graduate due to the strict completion criteria of the program… screenshot of registeration email, scrrenshot of acceptance email to be a facilitator, link to the supporting letter from the program manager of the bootcamp. link to the standard curriculum used.
  • tutor in project management track, at a skill acquisition bootcamp, it ran for 8 weeks. link to the curriculum used (PMP STANDARD), screenshot of the acceptance/offer mail, image of the internship/practical case study grading and the assessment sheet for the students, sent by the academy.

4 - Significant contribution at a startup, escrow application software startup. screenshot of my offer letter, talked about the startup, what we aim to achieve, highlighted my role, highlighted my technical contributions (refining the mobile app, built the website, and the admin module for the app), led the conversation for possible partnership between the product and an already existing fintech with the aim of using their payment infrastructure (the partnership is still in the works), added screenshots of all the technical contributions on live site, mobile app is not yet on play store though. Currently awaiting the CAC regsistration from our legal representative, i led that conversation too… screenshot of the email trail with the fintech partnership, and screenshot of the project github board where i assign tasks. link to supporting letter from the ceo/founder of the startup supporting my contributions, he is also a software engineer at an international company in the US.

My Questions

  1. i sent to some reviewers who are GTV recipeints, they said its only two OCs i need. so which of these OCs do you suggest i use. And is the OC1 coming as innovation to you readers or it should be an OC 3, can i submit 2 OC3.
  2. Are the supporting letter a good move for my application.
  3. is the arrangement properly curated?

@Francisca_Chiedu @Ndubueze_Precious @pahuja @mahdibeee @Tolulope_Ogunjuyigbe @Peace_Itimi , or anyone else that will love to review. opinions are appreciated.

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Hi @Adedoyinsolami

-you can only do 3 LORs, would recommend using the 4th you have mentioned as a support letter in a criteria. Also important for LORs to mention your significant contribution and impact.


  • looks like the 3rd point only highlights and validates your work. What is significant about your work and how does it make you a talent? TN has given feedbacks quoting the evidence only highlights the usual work expectations fulfillment and doesn’t prove any significant impact. Please ensure you show impact and value of your work and associated support and not evidence that you just did the work.

Looks like you will be choosing OC2 and OC3. For OC3 evidences, same feedback as above.

To answer your specific questions:

  1. You can submit 10 evidences towards 3 criteria (MC + choice of 2OCs). How you split the evidence is upto you. Recommend 3 each.
  2. Supporting letters are good but not sufficient to prove criteria. You will need more external proofs like web links, media mentions, user testimonials etc
  3. you haven’t highlighted the 2 OCs you are selecting and which document is going under which OC.

Thanks for responding @pahuja .

  • Okay, thats well noted, will inform them to do so.

For the significant impact, how can i show impact of my work? Does an email from one of the user team at sterling bank, requesting or asking if the product built can solve a particular problem they were facing in the institution, cut it? Cos they had an issue with the previous software they were using for their vendor management registration and onboarding. And i replied the email explaining how the product built solves the problem, and how it can further be used when integrated with the BPM software. Would have said a supporting letter from one of the user stating how the product is of impact to them, but not sure they’d want to give it out.

Yeah. i finally settled for OC2 and OC3. Mentorship and significant technical contributions to two different technology companies. when you say same feedback as MC, can you please provide me wit clarity as to what exactly? id appreciate.

I already splitted my evidences in the following manner;

  • Speaking at high tech event
  • Salary progression and comparison
  • Work as a PM at current place of work
    OC 2
  • Mentorship at IWD 1:1 program
  • product management facilitator
  • Project management facilitator
    OC 3
  • significant technical contribution at DaaS company - now it carries even my github contribution board and github profile showing 50 contributions in the month we began development.
  • significant technical contribution at Escrow App startup

User testimonials? i would try and see how to get one from the sterling bank team of users. i added web links at everywhere necessary in all documents. all documents carry web links that further explains certain things.

kindly give me your further feedback. Thanks a bunch @pahuja

Hi everyone, i understand we are all busy.
please can i get some further reviews for my applications.
@Francisca_Chiedu , @mahdibeee

@pahuja as regards your feedback, im adding a video link to the demo of a unique feature that the product has which other competitors dont, a screenshot and link to the documentation, highlighting that particular feature.
Also, i got the financial growth/revenue generated, from my finance team, in the first half of the year which was 250% more than the 2023 half year revenue. and this was due to the addition of this product to the company. Im unable to get a testimonial from the client, but i got a supporting letter from a senior colleague who is a VP at the comapny, and worked with me, she talked about my work, contributions and the impact my work has done to the company.
Does that work for the MC?


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should work. Any external evidence like news release, external company blog, play store user testimonials that highlight the new feature release?

thanks @pahuja ,
so its a web app, its not a mobile application. just like an enterprise solution tool. so no news release or play store user testimonial yet as its a dark launch specifically for the sterling bank team. but there’s a company blog that talks about the product and lists out all the features it has, also highlighting the unique features.
here are the evidences of impact i’ll be attaching after self authored documents i’ll write…
Evidence of Impact:

  1. Product Demo and User Interaction:
  • Live Site demo link
  1. Financial Performance:
  • Revenue Growth Performance Snapshot, and teams message of the finance analyst telling me the revenue compared to last year.
  1. Product Innovation and Unique Features:
  • Impact: Description of unique features in the product that set it apart from competitors.
  • Evidence: screenshot and link of documentation highlighting the unique features, screenshot and link of pricing plan sheet showing comparisons with competitor products, screenshot and link of company’s blog highlighting those specific unique features…
  1. supporting Reference Letter from VP of design at company, attesting to my significant contributions and the impact of my work on the company’s success.
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Yeah will definitely take a look on Sunday we promised :smiling_face:

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@pahuja , @Francisca_Chiedu , @AlexBlack , @Ndubueze_Precious, @alexnk , @Madhuraj_Mishra , @Peace_Itimi , @Augusta, @applicantgc and anyone who wishes to help me review

  1. Speaking at High-Profile Event
  • Event and Role: Invited to speak at a high-profile event promoting API literacy, attended by over 700 industry talents and professionals. emphasized significance of the conference in the global or regional tech landscape. Mentioned prominent sponsors and partnerships with global companies like postman and fincra.
    • Session Delivered: “How Product Management Drives API Strategy,” explaining the role of product management in driving API innovation and enhancing user experience.
  • Impact and Recognition:
    *My participation and the positive reception of your session solidify your reputation as a respected thought leader in the technology industry.
    • Demonstrates your ability to influence and educate peers in the digital technology sector.
  • Additional Evidence:
    • screenshot of Speaker Proposal Submission
    • Speaker Proposal Acceptance Email
    • Session Schedule: Included in the website official schedule.
    • Speaker Flyer: Featured on the official speaker flyer.
    • Images and Video of Speaking Engagement: Captured during the session.
    • Media Mention: Official Twitter page of the conference.
  1. Earn High Salary Evidence
  • Role and Earnings Progression:
    • first company (2022): Product Manager, earning ₦X (£X) monthly.
    • second company (2023): Technical Product Manager, earning ₦X (£X) monthly.
    • Third and current company (Dec 2023 - Present): Product Manager, earning ₦X monthly (£X annually).
  • Impact and Recognition:
    • My earnings reflect significant growth and recognition of my expertise in the industry.
    • Managed and led projects that contributed to my financial growth and positioned me as a leading talent in the product management sector.
  • Additional Evidence:
    • Screenshots of salary payments and employment contracts.
  1. Leading Product Development at Revent Technologies
  • Role and Responsibilities:

    • current company: Led the development team to build the X product, part of the XYZ Product suite.
    • Created PRDs, user flow, UML diagrams, conducted market research, and streamlined communication between teams.
  • Impact and Contributions:

    • The X product contributed to a 250% increase in half-year revenue for 2024 compared to 2023.
    • Introduced unique features such as “X” and “Y”, setting the product apart from competitors.
    • Streamlined internal workflow automation processes in HR and Finance, resulting in increased efficiency and enhanced user experience.
    • Received positive feedback from clients, including sterling bank, highlighting the product’s success and my pivotal role in its development.
  • Additional Evidence:

    • XYZ product suite Brochure: Highlighting all the suite of products, especially the X product i built.
    • Live Product Demo: Link to the product demo on the live site.
    • Acknowledgement Email from CTO: Positive feedback from my CTO.
    • Client demo Feedback: positive suggestion and feedback from client after demo.
    • Pricing Plan Sheet: Competitive analysis carried out.
    • company blog talking about X product and highlighting of Unique Features i introduced: Highlighting the innovative aspects of the X product.
    • screenshot of the page of the brochure that discusses X product which i built, its features, value proposition and use cases:
      Sterling Bank’s new project proposal based on the success and usage of X product.

OPTIONAL CRITERIA 2 - Mentorship Activities

  1. SkillPaddy Mentorship Program
  • Description: Served as a Project Management Facilitator for the 8th cohort of the bootcamp program at SkillPaddy, designed to equip participants with essential project management skills.
  • Background of the program.
  • Impact: Facilitated training that prepared participants for PMP certification exams, with five out of eight trained participants getting certified. Contributed to participants’ professional growth and job market readiness.
  • Supporting Documents:
    • Curriculum Used
    • Emails related to video and curriculum approval, internship preparation reminders, and case study grading.
    • Assessment Sheet and Grading Spreadsheet images sent by the program manager
    • Reference letter from the program manager attesting to contributions and impact.
    • Email from community manager highlighting program completion criteria.
    • Message from a student confirming receipt of certification after grading assessment was vetted by the programs board.
  • Screenshots and Links:
    • Images of emails and spreadsheets, various resolutions and dimensions indicating content and communication during the mentorship program.
  1. EmpowerHer Community Mentorship Program
  • Description: Voluntarily engaged as a Product Management Facilitator for the second cohort of the Non-Technical Bootcamp at EmpowerHer Community, a six-week program designed to equip participants with real-life project skills.
  • Background of program: EmpowerHer Community is a female-focused non-profit organization dedicated to empowering women in tech, having trained over 6000 women globally.
  • Impact: Trained approximately 15 active female students, with 11 meeting the completion criteria and graduating. Contributed to participants’ professional growth and confidence in navigating the tech industry.
  • Supporting Documents:
    • Curriculum Used
    • reference letter from program manager and testimonials from students.
    • Invitation email to the virtual graduation ceremony.
    • LinkedIn spotlight as a facilitator.
  • Screenshots and Links:
    • Images of criteria for being a facilitator, emails, testimonials, certificates, and graduation event youtube link.
  1. Wentors Mentorship Program
  • Description: Mentored young women in product management through the 2024 IWD “WE-DISCOVER” Mentorship program, providing structured guidance and practical advice over eight weeks.
  • Background: Wentors is a global mentoring platform supporting women beginning their careers in tech.
  • Impact: Helped mentees develop critical skills in product lifecycle management, market research, user-centric design, and Agile methodologies. Played a crucial role in fostering inclusion and talent development within the tech sector.
  • Supporting Documents:
    • Certificate and Profile of Mentorship
    • Performance report of mentees, orientation mail, and appreciation email.
  • Screenshots and Links:
    • Images of acceptance and congratulatory emails, mentee profiles, and program performance reports.

OPTIONAL CRITERIA 2 - significant technical and business contributions

  1. Reference Letter:
  • Author: CEO/Co-founder at Neupay
  • Content:
    • He highlighted my significant technical and business contributions to Neupay.
    • Detailed description of my impact on product development, legal compliance, partnership efforts, and marketing strategies.
    • Emphasis on my commitment, problem-solving skills, and potential for future contributions to the UK tech sector.
  • Position: Product Manager at Neupay
  • Contributions:
  • Oversaw product documentation, led development of mobile app, website, and admin module.
  • Instrumental in acquiring CAC registration and other legal incorporation documents.
  • Led a partnership with Fincra to utilize their payment infrastructure.
  • Refined Product Requirements Document (PRD) and designed user flow for the mobile app.
  • Maintained product backlogs and conducted market research and competitor analysis.
  • Implemented functionality tests and optimized task management by switching from Jira to GitHub, which improved task tracking and reduced operational expenses.
  • Contributed to marketing and sales initiatives with data-driven ideas for product launch.
  • Ideated and launched a waitlist website, gathering valuable user feedback.
  • Drove the company’s application to the YC combinator program.

Key Points:

  • Led the design and development of Neupay’s mobile app, admin module, and website.
  • Successfully migrated project management to GitHub, saving costs and improving efficiency.
  • Conducted a campaign to increase product awareness and managed the waitlist of nearly 300 users.
  • Initiated and led a partnership with Fincra to integrate their payment infrastructure.

Attached Screenshots and Links:

  • Figma Board: Screenshot showing the design proof of the mobile app, website, and admin module.
  • Admin Module: Screenshot of the admin module in live.
  • Website: Screenshot of the Neupay website developed using HTML, CSS, and React.JS.
  • Fincra Partnership Email Trail: Screenshot of the email trail with Fincra.
  • Mobile App Homepage: Screenshot of the mobile app’s homepage.
  • Employment Contract: Proof of employment with Neupay.
  • Position: Technical Product Manager at Milsat
    Content: Description of my contributions to Milsat Technologies as a Technical Product Manager.
    Key Points:
  • Developed key features for the Enumeration Dashboard and Enumeration Pad.
  • Managed user surveys and feedback to improve the MVP of the Enum Pad.
  • Oversaw the development of the Work Assignment Module.
  • Demonstrated active engagement and contributions in Milsat’s private github repository.
    • Led development team to enhance the Enumeration Dashboard, resulting in over 120 million data processed and 20 billion naira in turnover for clients.
    • Managed and implemented new features for the Enumeration Dashboard V2, including Project Configuration and Project Report Features.
    • Prepared documentation, created tasks for engineers, reviewed implementations, and conducted functionality tests.
    • Queried codes, merged pull requests, and maintained the integrity and quality of software development.
    • Supported the development of the Enumeration Pad, a mobile app for geo-spatial data collection.
    • Oversaw development of the Work Assignment Module for client workforce management.
    • enumeration dashboard i developed contributed to the National Population Commission’s adoption of Milsat products for 2023 census activities in Nigeria.


  • Screenshots and Links:

    • Enumeration Dashboard: Images showing project configuration and report modules.
    • GitHub Profile: Demonstrates active engagement and contributions in Milsat’s private repository.
    • Survey forms and Playstore ratings: User feedback and ratings for the Enumeration Pad.
    • Additional screenshots: Tasks created on GitHub, code review instances, and list of active clients using Enumeration Africa products(this was gotten from the admin dashboard).
  • Project Configuration Module: Screenshot of the project compendium and configuration module.

  • Project Report Module: Visual representation of the project report feature.

  • GitHub Contributions: Screenshots showing active engagement and task assignments on GitHub.

  • Enum Dashboard Modules: Visuals of the project configuration and report features.

  • GitHub Engagement: Evidence of my contributions and task management on GitHub.


  • SVP Engineering at current company
  • Founder/lead innovator at Previous company
  • Senior executive at CIBC, Canada (also former manager at interswitch group)

I for the mandatory criteria, I will put the speaking event as first, proof of salary is ok but not convincing enough. For the speaking event, you are doing TMI, let the picture of you speaking, email invitation, letter from the organiser and name in programme of event do the talking. There’s no point showing that you applied to speak at the event, and assessor may interpret it that you were looking to speak just to apply for endorsement. It doesn’t show you are a sort after speaker or where contacted because of your expertise on the field. By the way, how old is this speaking event,? Hopefully, it is not a recent evidence. Evidence three also show unrelated evidence, you don’t need to add the employment letter, that’s. Waste of space, you can show the work you did and back it up with reference letter.

OC2 looks ok but is the title of the speaking pre-event webinar, this may weaken the evidence if you can’t show how it advanced the sector. For the mentorship, you need to show it is a structured programme with selection criteria


I think you have suffcient details, please make sure you can only attach 10 evidences in File . so you can think of which ones you are more happy to use

@Francisca_Chiedu , i had already updated the evidences. and i tagged you to it. that first one was the initial one. i got responses and edited it.

Here is the updated one @Francisca_Chiedu

Hi @Adedoyinsolami

I wouldn’t include the “speaker proposal application”.

Is the PM training and mentorship recent or have you done it for a period of time? If it is recent, it may get flagged.

You have marked significant technical & business contribution incorrectly as OC2 above. It should be OC3. Ensure the support letter has quantified impact.

thanks @pahuja ,

Okay, noted… i have included only the speaker invite email.

i started last year, but last year’s own were not structured. and these once i did them in February till May ending. but for the Wentors own, i’ve been a mentor since 2022 and i stated it there, just that i was just starting my career so i couldnt mentor or teach anyone then.

its meant to be OC3, that was a typo error.

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Hello everyone, im back.
Did some corrections and iterations… kindly help review and give comments as i plan to submit my application next week.


@pahuja , @Francisca_Chiedu , @AlexBlack , @Ndubueze_Precious, @alexnk , @Madhuraj_Mishra @mahdibeee

Highlighting all my experiences since i started product management which aligns with my MC and OC documents, link to my portfolio and linkedin. my educational background and certifications

How i got started in tech, what made me study software engineering in school, summarised my work history and things i did. community achievements and engagements, future plans for continuous community engagements in the uk, where i plan to live and why, what i plan to do and how i aim to contribute to the tech sector in uk, why im choosing a global talent route, and some challenges ive faced . my short term, mid term and long term goals when i arrive the uk.


  1. Speaking at High-Profile Event
  • Event and Role: Invited to speak at a high-profile event promoting API literacy, attended by over 600 industry talents and professionals. emphasized significance of the conference in the global or regional tech landscape. Mentioned prominent sponsors and partnerships with global companies.
    My participation and the positive reception of my session solidifies my reputation as a respected thought leader in the technology industry.
    • Demonstrates your ability to influence and educate peers in the digital technology sector.
  • Additional Evidence:
    • screenshot of email Invitation to speak from the lead organizer
  • Screenshot of follow up email sent to all speakers of the event
    • Session Schedule: Included in the website official schedule.
    • Speaker Flyer: Featured on the official speaker flyer.
    • Images and Video of Speaking Engagement: Captured during the session.
    • Media Mention: Official Twitter page of the conference.
  • Supporting letter from lead organizer of the conference
  1. Earn High Salary Evidence
  • Role and Earnings Progression:
    • first company (2022): Product Manager, earning ₦X (£X) monthly.
    • second company (2023): Technical Product Manager, earning ₦X (£X) monthly.
    • Third and current company (Dec 2023 - Present): Product Manager, earning ₦X monthly (£X annually).
  • Impact and Recognition:
    • My earnings reflect significant growth and recognition of my expertise in the industry.
    • Managed and led projects that contributed to my financial growth and positioned me as a leading talent in the product management sector.
  • Additional Evidence:
    • Screenshots of salary payments slips for over 5 months and employment contracts, as well as screenshot and link of my portfolio showing all my projects built since i started product management.
    • Led the growth of a digital tech company as an employee
  • **talked about the product suite, also talked about how the product suite was selected for techcrunch 100 startups battlefield, as one of the 7 startups selected from nigeria .
  • talked about the specific product i built which was makes up the product suite…
  • significant achievements:
    • The product i built contributed to a 250% increase in half-year revenue for 2024 compared to 2023 when it was not yet in existence, i attached the snapshot of the email sent from my finance lead, and highlighted the revenue part.
    • i attached a screenshot of the product suite admin dashboard where metrics like the total revenue and this year’s revenue showed, total users and this year’s users, top valued subscribers which are top organizations like UAC, Insurance company, and financial institution using the product, as well as the date they got onboarded (which was the month i launched my product.)
    • highliighted my product developmemt process as well as the stacks we used in building the product.
    • i also highlighted the key features in implemented of which these features set the product apart from other competitors, stating that it is the first of its kind here in nigeria, as our competitors are not from nigeria. I attached the company blog post link where the unique features were highlighted. i also attached a link to, and screenshot of the business model canvas that i created for the product at the early development days, this business model canvas highlights the key features of the product, and its value proposition.
  • Additional Evidence:
    • links to the PRD, the pricing plan i did with finance team, the link to the product website which i also built, as well as the link to the document i worked on that highlights the competitors offerings and what my product offers differently. This was arrived at after thorough market research.
    • Reference letter from the VP design of my company who is an exco member and worked with me on the product, she attested to my work and confirmed the revenue growth.

OPTIONAL CRITERIA 2 - Mentorship Activities

  1. SkillPaddy Mentorship Program
  • Description: Served as a Project Management Facilitator for the 8th cohort of the bootcamp program at SkillPaddy, designed to equip participants with essential project management skills.
  • Background of the program.
  • Impact: Facilitated training that prepared participants for PMP certification exams, with five out of eight trained participants getting certified. Contributed to participants’ professional growth and job market readiness.
  • Supporting Documents:
    • Curriculum Used
    • Emails related to video and curriculum approval, internship preparation reminders, and case study grading.
    • Assessment Sheet and Grading Spreadsheet images sent by the program manager
    • Reference letter from the program manager attesting to contributions and impact.
    • Email from community manager highlighting program completion criteria.
    • Message from a student confirming receipt of certification after grading assessment was vetted by the programs board.
  • Screenshots and Links:
    • Images of emails and spreadsheets, various resolutions and dimensions indicating content and communication during the mentorship program.
  1. EmpowerHer Community Mentorship Program
  • Description: Voluntarily engaged as a Product Management Facilitator for the second cohort of the Non-Technical Bootcamp at EmpowerHer Community, a six-week program designed to equip participants with real-life project skills.
  • Background of program: EmpowerHer Community is a female-focused non-profit organization dedicated to empowering women in tech, having trained over 6000 women globally.
  • Impact: Trained approximately 15 active female students, with 11 meeting the completion criteria and graduating. Contributed to participants’ professional growth and confidence in navigating the tech industry.
  • Supporting Documents:
    • Curriculum Used
    • reference letter from program manager and testimonials from students.(all docusigned)
    • Invitation email to the virtual graduation ceremony.
    • LinkedIn spotlight as a facilitator.
  • Screenshots and Links:
    • Images of criteria for being a facilitator, emails, testimonials, certificates, and graduation event youtube link.
  1. Wentors Mentorship Program
  • Description: Mentored young women in product management through the 2024 IWD “WE-DISCOVER” Mentorship program, providing structured guidance and practical advice over eight weeks.
  • Background: described the program, how i knew about it and stating that ive been registered on the program si nce 2022 when i started my product manaement career but wasnt a mentor as i had to gain more knowledge and experience, then early this year i applied to be a mentor at their program.
  • Impact: Helped mentees develop critical skills in product lifecycle management, market research, user-centric design, and Agile methodologies. Played a crucial role in fostering inclusion and talent development within the tech sector.
  • Supporting Documents:
    • Certificate and Profile of Mentorship
    • Performance report of mentees, orientation mail, and appreciation email.
  • Testimonial letter from one of my mentees discussing how the program went and how me being her mentor impacted her afterwards
  • Screenshots and Links:
    • Images of acceptance and congratulatory emails, mentee profiles, and program performance reports.

OPTIONAL CRITERIA 3 - significant technical and business contributions

  1. Reference Letter:
  • Author: CEO/Co-founder at Neupay
  • Content:
    • He highlighted my significant technical and business contributions to Neupay.
    • Detailed description of my impact on product development, legal compliance, partnership efforts, and marketing strategies.
    • Emphasis on my commitment, problem-solving skills, and potential for future contributions to the UK tech sector.
  • Position: Product Manager at Y
    Explained the product itself and how the product works
  • Contributions:
  • Oversaw product documentation, led development of mobile app, website, and admin module.
  • Instrumental in acquiring CAC registration and other legal incorporation documents.
  • Led a partnership with D to utilize their payment infrastructure.
  • Refined Product Requirements Document (PRD) and designed user flow for the mobile app.
  • Maintained product backlogs and conducted market research and competitor analysis.
  • Implemented functionality tests and optimized task management by switching from Jira to GitHub, which improved task tracking and reduced operational expenses.
  • Contributed to marketing and sales initiatives with data-driven ideas for product launch.
  • Ideated and launched a waitlist website, gathering valuable user feedback.
  • Drove the company’s application to the YC combinator program.

Key Points:

  • Led the design and development of Y’s mobile app, admin module, and website.
  • Successfully migrated project management to GitHub, saving costs and improving efficiency.
  • Conducted a campaign to increase product awareness and managed the waitlist of nearly 300 users.
  • Initiated and led a partnership with D to integrate their payment infrastructure.

Attached Screenshots and Links:

  • Figma Board: Screenshot showing the design proof of the mobile app, website, and admin module.
  • userflw of the product
  • Admin Module: Screenshot of the admin module in live.
  • Website: Screenshot of the Y website developed using HTML, CSS, and React.JS.
  • D Partnership: Screenshot of the email trail with D, as well as a screenshot of us successfully onboarded on their dashboard.
  • Mobile App Homepage: Screenshot of the mobile app’s homepage.
  • Employment Contract: Proof of employment with Y.
  • Position: Technical Product Manager at X
    Content: problem statement that led to the creation of the products, explained what the company is all about, Description of the products i worked on. highlighting a significant impact of how there was a partnership with the company and the product i built was adopted by the national population commission, to conduct 2023 census, and this adoption increased the rate of acquisition in the geo-spatial market. and leading to us onboarding government and non government organizations.

link to the prd, link to the 2023 census blg on NPC site, link to the feedback form and testimonial form i created for the mobile app, which led to an increased user rating on playstore.

  • screenshot of the product dashboard
  • excerpts from the prd i created for the product
  • screenshot of the mobile app on playstore and its ratings
    screenshot of the list of some of our users, which was gotten from the admin dashboard
    screenshot of my contract letter
    images of my github activities durin g the product development, where i assign tasks, query code implementations, test and review implementations.


  • SVP Engineering at current company (signed using our company’s e-sign application, it also shows the document logs as required)
  • Founder/lead innovator at Previous company
    *Director at a tech company who has known me since i started my career in product management, (also former manager at interswitch group)


I think you have sufficient evidence to meet the criteria, hopefully the evidence are not recent. When did you speak at the conference?

I also think you are adding too much information, it is not necessary to state fincra and postman sponsored the event, I don’t see the use. What you want to show is that the event had visibility, preferably not a one-off conference that can’t be found on a search. You stated the event organiser works as a developer advocate at FINCRA, how does that help? That’s not a senior position, was this organised by an individual or an organisation, I would rather the director of the conference signs the letter.
You need to be careful so too much information in self authored part of your application doesn’t conflict with the requirements. I also think you should avoid putting the names of actual organisations you are using on a public forum, you can describe as company A or company X. Evidence three of mandatory criteria looks untidy, aside the email which is not convincing that you built the product, what is the actual evidence. If you are mentioning a blog post, was you make mentioned?

For OC2 how do you prove that this is a structured programme? Do you have email confirming your selection as a mentor, other third party evidence that could be verified online plus reference from organisers? Again for evidence 2 and 3, how is this a structured mentoring programme? Do you have pictures and)or videos?

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Thank you @Francisca_Chiedu

  1. I spoke at the conference recently(couple of months ago)

  2. Okay, noted. Yeah, it had visibility, and it can be found on search. He is the lead organizer but the event was organized by a team of individuals. He also translates as the director of the conference though. But will look for how to get a higher position to sign.

  3. noted. ive edited it to that format.
    For MC3, i put a screenshot of an email with the revenue generated that i got from my finance lead. As well as a snapshot of the admin dashboard showing the metrics my product added to the product suite since its launch.
    Do i remove the company blog post, cos it doesnt mention me but its about my product.

  4. yes, it is a structured program and i have email confirming my selection. i have third party evidence that can be seen online, as well as references from the organizers.
    for evidence 2 and 3, its a structured program as i added the guide and curriculum, also, the pictures and videos are on telegram, and i read where TN guide says, screenshots from whatsapp, slack and the likes can weaken your point. so im confused whether to add the class recording video link or not.

Hello @Francisca_Chiedu , thanks for your response.
Im actually applying in october. So it doesnt flag some of the evidences.

Is that fine?


i think anything under 12months may be consiered recent but if you have other evidences, them you can demonstrate a track record

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Alright, thank you so much