Product Manager at Marketplace Businesses

Hello All,

I am currently on Tier-2 visa for the past one year. I am senior PM at one of UK’s food delivery tech marketplace for the last 1 year. Prior to this I was a Senior PM for the biggest food delivery tech marketplace in Indonesia where I worked for 5 years before moving to the UK (all LORs are from people I worked with in my previous firm).

I have a total of 9 year experience with 6 years experience in tech (product management+data science) and have been a SPM for 2 years and learning towards the Exceptional Promise route.

LOR1: C-level executive at my previous firm who headed food tech business
LOR2: Co-founder of another firm, previous direct manager who was CPO at the time
LOR3: CDO (Chief Data Officer in new firm), Head of Data of the previous org we worked together in

Mandatory Criteria:

  1. Evidence of high salary: Current salary information + snapshots of employment letter from UK org and previous org + promotion letter
  2. Contribution outside work: Reference letter from cofounder of a PM mentorship community where I mentored and instructed 400+ people over 1.5 years + snapshots/videos of instructing various courses + mentorship testimonials from 2 mentees
  3. Snapshots of mentorship at 2 other orgs: Pro bono society and a product networking club + Invite for speaker in 2 online conferences (1 of which I am yet to speak on and the other I couldn’t attend).

Optional Criteria1:

  1. Co-authored Patent + explanation and snapshots of customer experience of how it’s an innovative product (LOR mentions the commercial impact)
  2. Self-written explanation on innovative products from previous org (no patent for these but other innovative products mentioned in LORs) + snapshots of product in market + snapshots of performance dashboard

Optional Criteria3

  1. Self-written explanation on 2 critical product’s I built (not part of innovation) in previous org + snapshots of architecture + commercial impact reiterated and validated by LORs
  2. Letter from an employer: Reference letter for contribution/impact from direct manager in the UK org + mention of the commercial impact of products I have built in last 1 year in the UK org
  3. Self-written explanation of 2 products built in the UK org

I am unsure on the chances are and would be amazing to get some feedback on how to strengthen the application. Thanks in advance

@Francisca_Chiedu - would love to get your thoughts on the application as you’ve been very helpful on this forum.

May I ask you how do you have snapshots of product in market presented? Is this a pdf with a snapshots from various internet resources?

PDF with snapshots of the customer experience. The experience was on some of our customer support pages and gathered some from colleagues.

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Why are you limiting yourself to Promise? This looks like a “Leader” application.

Thanks. But I don’t think I have a very strong public profile or any media recognition. Plus, have worked just on the boundary of 5 years in tech, so being cautionary.

I think you may have a strong case for exceptional talent, however this depends on the presentation of your evidence.
Mandatory criteria

  1. Evidence of high salary : ensure your evidence guy into 3 pages

  2. For PM mentorship program, how do you prove that this is a structured program?

  3. You can not usea conference you are yet to speak at as evidence. If you ended up not speaking at a conference, you can’t use it besides evidence that are close to the timing of your application are not acceptable.

For the mandatory criteria you need to show evidence that you have National or international recognition as a leader. How have contributed to the sector?

For Optional Criteria 1

  1. How old is this patent?

  2. You can have evidence of product development as a separate Evidence from revenue dashboard. Show the product development journey, mockups, with explanation on the what makes it innovative

  3. Revenue dashboard could be a standalone evidence.

Optional criteria looks ok. The letters need to detail your achievements and impacts in the organisation. Last avoid merging unrelated evidence instead use them as separate evidence and have a good ratio of evidence for all criteria 4:3:3 or 3:4:3. Put your best foot forward.

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I didn’t have those either and I have a similar background to you - ~5 years working in ML/DS and a few years working as a PM.
Don’t undersell yourself. If they deem you to be a “promise”, they’d give you that automatically even if you apply for the leader route.

Thanks for the feedback @Francisca_Chiedu.

  1. Salary: You mean ensure it’s within 3 pages? Might need to split the historical earnings vs current earnings.
  2. Mentors need to have a high bar and are interviewed. Do you think that suffices for a “structured program”?
  3. Main idea was to show that I have been invited as a speaker + mentoring in other engagements which is my main contribution to the sector outside of daily work. Being in business side of tech, not sure


  1. Submitted last year and published early this year.
  2. Makes sense to split commercial impact from product development.

So, you are saying there’s no downside to applying for Talent because they’ll anyway assess to give you a Promise if that’s what the assessment concludes. If the vice versa is true too, then probably reflecting confidence is better?

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Hi @mk_92 , greetings from a fellow Indonesian :slight_smile:
Any updates on your application decision? I have just endorsed as a talent a couple weeks ago and waiting for my stage 2 passport collection now. Let’s connect :slight_smile:


Secured my endorsement for Talent. Thanks to the people of this forum for their immense help!


Hi @mk_92
A fellow product manager here
Congratulations on your endorsement
I would like to get the structure of what your final application was like if possible

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