Preparing Evidences as Exceptional Talent for Stage 1 Endorsement

Hi everyone,

RE: Design Invention Patent applied in 2017 and granted in 2021.

I’m currently preparing my evidence and wanted to clarify something. I have a design invention patent that I applied for in 2017 and it was granted in 2021. Can I use this patent as evidence, and will it count as impact within the last 5 years?

Thank for your assistance.


hi @HML

this falls under Optional Criteria 1

Please read the visa guide: Tech Nation Visa Guide - Tech Nation

Best of Luck!


Hi @Maya

Thank you for your response and the information provided.

For MC1, under the guideline: “You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product, or team inside a digital technology company, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings, lines of code from public repos, or similar evidence,” I am referencing the criteria that states: “You command a high salary or other remuneration for your services, as evidenced by commercial or employment contracts with salary information including any bonus and equity options and history of earnings.

I am using my compensation package as evidence, supported by Letters of Recommendation from the VP and GM, which outline my contributions during the periods of 2015-2020 and 2021-2023. These letters demonstrate my impact on business growth through design leadership, as well as recognition in design awards and patents. To contextualize my compensation, I am also including salary benchmarks from Glassdoor, alongside all relevant income tax documentation.

For OC3, I’m presenting my patent as evidence under “they have made significant technical, commercial, or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member, or employee of a product-led digital technology company.” The patent played a pivotal role in the success of the company’s business.

Since the guideline states that “Any activity you are providing as evidence of recognition should have occurred within the past 5 years,” I believe the patent is valid as it was granted in May 2021, which falls within the last 5 years. Does this rationale make sense?

Another question: does the author of the Letter of Recommendation work with me in the last 5 years?

Thanks and appreciate all feedback,

If the patent was granted in 2021, then use it. You dont need to show the initial application that is dated 2017.


hi @HML

this might help! someone wwho knows your work in details over a period of 12 months or more -

Thank you, @Francisca_Chiedu, for your guidance.

Hi, @Maya, I wanted to clarify a couple of things:

  1. Letter of Recommendation Author: My ex-Manager 14 years ago, who is now SVP of Design Strategy and Operations, has detailed knowledge of my work, but this was not within the last five years. My question is, does the author of the Letter of Recommendation need to have worked with me in the last five years, or is their previous knowledge sufficient as long as they meet the criteria of expertise and detailed knowledge?
  2. Signature Requirements for Letters of Recommendation: Besides using DocuSign for signing the Letter of Recommendation, is there an alternative method such as embedding a digital signature image within the letter? If no signature is included at all, would that be acceptable?

Thanks for taking time to answer my questions.


I noted the following guidelines from Tech Nation:

  • “Any ‘letters of reference’ submitted as part of your 10 documents of supporting evidence are expected to be from well-established individuals acknowledged as experts in the digital technology field, with detailed knowledge of your work over a period of 12 months or more. Note that using letters of reference alone to meet any criteria is not sufficient; additional evidence must be provided.”
  • “Letters of recommendation can be created using a digital signature service (e.g., DocuSign), allowing the inclusion of the document log file to clearly indicate the letter’s author and signature originated from a different IP address than the applicant. Letters must be uploaded to Tech Nation’s Application Platform.”

hi @HML ,

As a talent applicant , your evidences must be reflects your 5+ experience, However, it should focuses only in the past 5 years! @Francisca_Chiedu please advise.

I dont think unsigned letters are accepted? not for recommendation neither for reference. how would you indicate authenticity of the document and author?!

I wanted to clarify the requirements for the Letters of Recommendation for my Tech Nation application. I’ve planned to request letters from the following individuals:

  • VP of Smart Appliances and Home IoT (within the past 5 years)
  • General Manager - Domestic Appliance (within the past 5 years)
  • Director of Experience Design (within the past 5 years)
  • SVP, Design Strategy and Operations (more than 5 years ago)

My question is: Based on Tech Nation’s guidance, would all of these individuals meet the criteria of being well-established in the digital technology field and having detailed knowledge of my work for over 12 months? Specifically, would the SVP, who hasn’t worked with me in the past five years, still qualify?

I also haven’t used DocuSign for Letters of Recommendation before. Could anyone guide me on the process? For example, do I need to ask the authors to individually sign up for DocuSign to upload and sign the PDF letter before sending it to me?

Appreciate all your assistance in my journey.


Hi @HML since designations vary across companies and industries, a better way to gauge is by looking at every individuals work background and profile if you think they can be called an expert in digital technology? Have they worked and grown in tech companies? Have they impacted tech industry? Would you deem them an expert in tech by looking at their profile?

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Hi @pahuja,

Thank you for the guidance. To clarify further, is it strictly necessary for the individuals writing the Letters of Recommendation to have a background specifically in digital technology, or would expertise in the broader technology sector be acceptable?

For example, some of the individuals I’m considering have significant experience in driving innovation, leadership, and strategic initiatives within large technology companies (e.g., home appliances, small appliance electronics), but their roles may not have focused exclusively on “digital technology.” They have had substantial impacts on product development, UX, IoT, and technology integration, which aligns with the digital tech space, but their titles might not explicitly reflect “digital” roles.

Would their contributions to technology as a whole—through leadership, innovation, and industry growth—still make them eligible to meet the Tech Nation criteria, or does their experience need to be strictly within the digital tech domain?

Looking forward to your insights!

That would work but be sure to use one paragraph in each letter for them to talk about their background, leadership and engagement with technology.

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Hi @pahuja

Thanks for your comments and feedback. I’ll make sure to add a paragraph to each Letter of Recommendation (LOR) outlining the author’s profile, background, leadership, and engagement with technology.

Regarding the use of DocuSign, I noticed your comment here: [link]. Based on this, it seems acceptable for all three LORs to be signed, scanned, and sent to me via email, rather than using DocuSign specifically. As long as the signatures are authentic and verifiable, using DocuSign isn’t mandatory. Is that correct?

Thanks again for your assistance!

Well it’s really subjective. Let’s wait for @Francisca_Chiedu also to comment.

I had submitted all my letters on letterhead and signed/scanned. We have seen few feedback comments where TN has highlighted missing docusign logs etc.

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Hi @pahuja, apologies for following up on your comments. Do you refer to the letter on the letterhead of the company each author is currently employed by?

Thanks again your assistance.

Yes that’s correct - letterhead of their current organisation. They can’t possibly sign on a letterhead of a company they are not employed at anyway right?

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Even if the person knows you for 14 years, they have to comment on your work based on the last five years. Best not to say I have know him in the last 14 years. I would say something like over the past five years I have worked with… Aland then give details of the work

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Thanks, @Francisca_Chiedu, for all the guidance. I managed to have all three authors print the letters on their organisation’s letterhead, sign them, and scan them back to me.

I truly appreciate your support and feedback throughout the process. I’ve now submitted my endorsement application and am awaiting feedback.


All the best with your application.


Hi! Everyone, @pahuja @Francisca_Chiedu @Maya

If I hold a design patent that was filed and granted in the US, EU, KR, and WO regions, would this be considered as four separate pieces of evidence or just one? The patent is for the same interaction design but was filed in all these regions: US, EU, KR, and WO.

Has anyone had a similar experience?

It is one evidence since the core source evidence is the same.