Potential issue-Endorsers & Supporters No Longer at Company

Hello to this talented community,

I have about 5 years of work experience in marketing, 4 of which were spent at a leading robotics company which has about 1000 employees all over the world. The attrition late at this organization is rather high, which means literally every boss I had at this company (where I’ve done the spent the bulk of my career) has left by now. They’ve moved on, mostly having started their own businesses by now.

The thing is they were at pretty high roles at the organization (e.g. Head of Global Sales, VP Marketing, General Manager) and could write me really strong LoRs. But will the fact that they no longer work there weaken my application severely? And what letterheads should they use - are personal letterheads fine, or even letterheads of the current venture they’ve started?

I’d really appreciate the input.

Thanks in advance!

Your recommenders can write using the letter head of their current company. They just need to state how they know you, your achievements and other relevant details.

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That’s a relief. Thank you so much!