Please review/Web Analyst

I can’t thank enough for how much this forum is helping me with my current application.

You truly touch people’s lives sparing some time and helping each other. I appreciate it.

My Background

I have 5.5 years of experience as a Senior Web Analyst

I currently work in a tech company employee 200-500 employee

Recommendation letter

  1. Agency I started my career as head of analytics (not a direct line manager)

highly respectable in the community back in Turkey.

  1. Digital Marketing Manager who knows my work in detail very well (not a direct line manager)
  2. Head of Product current company (not a direct line manager)


  1. Current contract with salary and comparison

  2. Github contributions

  3. Projects that I led and contributed to the growth of company

  4. Reference letter from the current company manager

  5. Certifications for the field (not sure if I added this)

OC 1

I am a technical applicant therefore it is difficult to prove something innovative.

  1. Project that I brought a new way of connecting online and offline marketing channels back in 2018 in my previous company. I drove the conversations and wrote the script. It was a new approach and tried first time in product in Turkey and was news regarding this new innovative approach and mentioned my team and my name online

  2. Reference letter


  1. Another project demonstrates my contribution and impact including screenshots

  2. Reference letter

Please have a look at it. I would love to hear your feedback. @Francisca_Chiedu @May

Quick Questions

  1. I also partnered up with an agency to start up an analytics department in Turkey. Should I mention this in my statement?
  2. I also have another project I believe could be a stronger case but I was working in an agency back then. But I could get a client manager reference letter. Since he knows my work in detail and works closely. Not sure if I add this?
  3. Since I have 5.5 years of experience and seeing my case. Should I apply for Promise or Talent?
  4. What happens if I don’t qualify for one of the optional criteria? Would I get rejection directly?
  5. Can I have a reference letter from my line manager or colleagues for the MC and OC3 criteria?
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I would recommend 4 MC +3 OC +3OC evidences. This is safer as you need at least 2 evidences for each OC and just in case 3 is better.

If you are not approved for one of the OC, you will be rejected.

5.5 years of experience means you cannot apply for promise, it has to be talent.

Letter from direct colleagues and line managers are not recommended.

Reference letters are not strong enough for OCs. I would recommend more strong evidences of 1-2 pages and a related reference letter on the same topic as the 3rd page of the same evidence. Or 2 strong evidences + 1 reference for each OC. But overall relying on references as evidence is risky.

Certifications would not work as an evidence.

I believe you have a chance but you need to work more on the evidences you prepare. Maybe focus more on individual projects. And youtube videos + searching on this forum about past successful applications similar to your work area might help.

Thank you so much for your time @Edg I really appreciate it. Another quick question that I have my friend is also thinking of applying. He works as a Digital Marketing Manager at Little Ceaser’s Pizza. Even though they sell tangible products, he has nothing to do with physical operations. His entire focus is the digital side of the business website, application, etc. Do you think his job would be considered as digital technology and he would be eligible to apply based on this? Thank you in advance!

Unfortunately I am not knowledgeable about that field. May be someone else can comment.

He can try if, for example, he created or worked with an IT product for pizza, and it can be scaled. But if it’s just something that can be done through conventional outsourcing, it doesn’t meet.

Thank you @igortsk that is helpful!