Please Review Stage 1 Application

  1. Personal statement : I plan to talk about about how I got into Tech post my MBA , my work at an NGO, writing a book on application development Agile style, working as Product Head Of Design and how I want to contribute to the UK Tech Community and that I plan to live in London to further my entrepreneureal ambitions.

  2. 3 Reference letters: a)Deputy Vice President - IT Of An Insurance Company (my ex colleague) 2)Head Of IT Of An Insurance Company (my ex colleague) 3)Chief Operating Officer Of A Real Estate Advisory for whom I had designed their web app.(my ex client)

  3. A CV which will give details about my job and my achievement and my plans in the future.

Mandatory Criteria:
1. How do I demonstrate I have been recognised as (or recognised as having the potential to be) a leading talent in the digital technology sector in the last 5 years?:

I plan to highlight the fact that I am currently the Lead Product Designer and I designed the main product that the company is selling and other products that I have designed the UI/UX and also the functional specifications and the application behaviour. I can attach visual design screenshots and various requirement documents which I created. The visual designs that I have created and the functional specifications are then used by developers to code and build the application.

  1. How do I demonstrate I have been recognised as (or recognised as having the potential to be) a leading talent in the digital technology sector in the last 5 years?:

I plan to show evidence about my high salary and evidence of my salary slips and offer letter given by the company and I can compare with salaries on Glassdoor and Payscale and AmbitionBox. I dont have any stock options though.

3. How do I demonstrate I have been recognised as (or recognised as having the potential to be) a leading talent in the digital technology sector in the last 5 years?

I plan to highlight my association with a non-profit organisation which is focussed on education. I plan to speak about my work at the NGO and the impact of the web app that I have built and how the website has enabled to NGO to connect with its donors as well as its target audience. This has been featured in a city magazine as well.I can show the media clipping.

4. How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised as (or recognised as having the potential to be) a leading talent in the digital technology sector in the last 5 years?

I plan to highlight the Python app that I built which is essentially a stock screening app which allows it user to filter stocks. I have the Python code with me on my local system and I can put the code etc on Github and The Head Of Blockchain Alliance of my city has appreciated my work and I can get his email on that.

I plan to highlight the Augmented Reality app that I have built which I have put in a competition. I can show the award if I win any award.

Optional Criteria:

  1. How do I demonstrate that I have been recognised for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector ?

Evidence of mentorship: I plan to highlight my work as a Mentor with a NGO called United Way. I plan to show how it impacted the students.

Speaking Engagements At Two Events: I plan to show videos and photos of me speaking at one industry event and one TedX and also show the email and flyer invites and the appreciation emails sent to me.

2. How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant technical, commercial, or entrepreneurial contribution in the digital technology sector either as a founder, entrepreneur or employee of a digital technology company?

I am about to complete a book where I have detailed how a InsurTech product can be built in less than 30 days. The book will be an ebook and will be available on Amazon.

I can get senior industry experts to write reviews about it.

I have also written articles in multiple IT media outlets about the how software development can be accelarated.

I currently dont have a GitHub account but as a Lead Product Designer I have a set of SQL queries and Python scripts and Javascript codes which I have created which I can show on GitHub which can help young product designers.

What do you guys think ? Any help will be appreciated.


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On visa guide it says github contribution made recently just for the application are not acceptable.

What about other points.

The technation standard has raised the bar far high
MC : It looks weak other than projects you need high profile speaking event with media coverage.
See if you have some recognized awards for any start ups other than your current working company.
Remember MC is to prove you as leader in open market.

OC2: Mentorship need to be startups and few universities.Either one alone not enough and strictly should not be paid workshop and the training need to be organized and be in a structured way.
Your article or books can’t be published on the time of application (can be supporting evidence but don’t add as main evidence ) same applies for GitHub.

How about your OC3 or third optional criteria ?

This is my honest feedback.Remmember I got rejection despite had 2-3 speaking events then got endorsed through in review application.

Take your time to read technation document and spend more time to get online evidences.With current trend I can see technation 80% prefers online evidences for all criteria like news cut or website links or online publications.

All the best.

Thanks you for your reply.

I am confused about OC3…how do I show impact of my app ? Because its not a commercial app yet.

Impact is very crucial without that you cannot go for this, think about other options on OC3.

So in OC3 …there is this point

“Having worked as a key engineer in the core product of a start-up, showing evidence as to how you have contributed to its success”

If I associate with a startup and work on their product …you think thats good enough.

Because I do have offers.

Yes go for it and make sure there is some evidence as awards and mentions in their official forums, letters alone will not be sufficient.