Please review my pieces of evidence

Here is my list of evidence for exceptional promise;

@Francisca_Chiedu @Obiageli_Okafor Mandatory criteria:

  1. pieces of evidence of documentary on AI by a leading TV station where i featured as an AI expert
  2. pieces of evidence from a newspaper article in a national newspaper where I was interviewed to share my thoughts on AI and the future of work.
  3. Evidence of Acceptance into the Nvidia Inception program for AI startups.
  4. I am thinking of using a recommendation letter from the CEO and present board member of my company, he founded a leading edtech startup with a branch in the UK or a former boss who is the CTO of

Optional Criteria 2.

  1. Evidence of communication between me and the fortune magazine. They reached out to me to share my thoughts on AI in the Nigerian economy
  2. Channel Africa, a South African radio station reached out to me to share my thoughts on AI in Africa. They have interviewed me on three different occasions.
  3. pieces of evidence of invitation to speak at the CoCreate award where I was a panelist with the Director of the Nigerian Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. I couldn’t get an image of myself and him on the panel, however, I used an image of me at the event, as well as screenshots of the invitation letter.

Optional criteria3.

  1. Articles of incorporation of the company in Delaware US and share ownership structure on my cap table.
  2. Screenshots of the memorandum of agreement between me and the investor when I raised funds.
  3. Mails between me and the Google Accelerator program for AI startups, we made it to the final stage of the process unfortunately we didn’t make the final 10 companies selected

My recommendations are from:

  1. The two people mentioned in mandatory evidence
  2. A senior machine learning engineer in a UK company, He was the head of data science for a Unicorn in Africa. He is also an advisory board member of my company.

MC- 1. How do you plan to evidence this documentary? Do you have evidence of invitation email or letter seeking your contribution to the documentary?
2. How recent is this news paper interview. What’s the readership?

  1. How do you demonstrate that acceptance into the startup programme suggests you are a leader. What’s the acceptance rate for this programme?

  2. If you use reference letters from the CEO and board member, I hope you know you can’t use them as for both recommendation letters and evidence.

How does communication between you and magazine show you have advanced the sector? Aside the initial communication, were you eventually featured in the publication? If that’s not the case, it doesn’t count.

How do you evidence your contribution to Channel Africa?
Just getting an image of you at the event doesn’t say anything. Get a reference letter from the organiser and ask them for pictures of the event.

Screenshot of memorandum of your agreement is fine but was the funding substantial. Did you you explain your significant contribution to fundraising and the growth of the company.
There’s no point showing evidence of the Google for start up, you were not selected, so it is doesn’t show any impact.
Show the product you have built, revenue you have generated…

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