Please review my application for Exceptional promise

Please review my application for Exceptional promise

About me: head of Data Analyst in Russian company, 5 years experience on analytics positions, experience in 3 huge companies (insurance, e-commerce, streaming)

Cover letters from:
CPO (current partner)
CDO (current boss)
CDO (boss in the past)


  1. Proof of position statement and current salary
  2. Research of my current work company: states in news + apple/google statistics + insite research

OC1: (innovation)

  1. Cover Letter from my boss in the past (now CEO), letter what significant jobe I did in e-commerce company
  2. Statement of anti-crisis strategy of launching new BI products, which is new for the Russian market, links to conferences where we share experience
  3. What new Data buiseness researches and methodes I involved in my company, what ML recomendation models we launched in company

OC3: (contributions)

  1. How streaming company change their statement while I worked there
  2. How e-commerce company change their statement while I worked there

I already send my application for Exceptional Talent and recived decline.

There they feed back on my application and review letter:


The applicant has applied for Optional Criteria 1 & 3 (OC1& OC3).

The applicant fails to meet the requirements of the Mandatory Criteria (MC) because the evidence
provided fails to demonstrate extraordinary ability by sustained national or international recognition. The
individual is not able to demonstrate a level of expertise which places them at the forefront of their
respective field in the digital technology sector. Whilst the applicant is well respected by their colleagues
as a strong Data Analyst, there is not enough evidence of recognition outside of the companies the
applicant has worked within to meet the criteria of exceptional talent. The applicant is not able to
demonstrate they have a public profile in the digital technology sector that warrants national and
international recognition. More would be needed in terms of wider sustained recognition to indicate
extraordinary talent.

The applicant fails to meet the requirements of OC1 because the evidence provided fails to
demonstrate that the applicant has a proven track record of innovation in the digital technology sector
as a founder and senior executive of product-led digital technology companies. The applicant cites one
method of data analysis that they consider to be innovative rather than a track record of innovation.
There is also a question mark around whether these techniques are really innovative, using data
science models to assess the impact of customer experience feels usual amongst talented Data
Analysts in this skill area. It may have been new at but it doesn’t feel new in the industry.
The applicant meets the requirements of OC3 because the evidence provided demonstrates the level of
impact the applicant has had as it relates to having made a significant technical, commercial or
entrepreneurial contribution to the field as a senior executive of product-led digital technology
companies. It is clear that the applicant has contributed much to the companies within which they have
been employed and that their work has been impactful on a commercial and technical level. It is clear
that the applicant’s analysis has led to good decision making in order to realise more commercial
success for the products and services these companies provide.

On the basis of the above, and not being able to endorse for the MC or OC1, we do not endorse this
application at this time.

Review letter:

The applicant should not be endorsed for the Exceptional Talent visa and the decision of the original assessment is upheld. He has not provided compelling or sufficient evidence to meet all the criteria. He has applied under Optional Criteria 1 and 3 (OC1 and OC3).

The three mandatory recommendation letters are light on detail and do not articulate why the applicant is recognised as a leading talent and at the forefront of the field of data science. Tech Nation guidelines require recommendation letters to be from experts from three different well established organisations in the digital technology field. Two of the three letters are from the same organisation More.TV, and the third is also from someone who worked with the applicant at More.TV and hired him into this organisation. The recommendation letters do not meet the Tech Nation guidelines.

We do not see any evidence of sustained national or international recognition or awards of stature, there are publications in influential journals that have shaped thinking in the world of data science, or any keynotes at global conferences of stature where he has led the data science world into a new direction. Contrary to the applicant’s arguments in his Endorsement Review, a high salary alone is not sufficient to meet the criteria for this visa. Finally, the argument in the Review that the applicant had a high profile role to play in the FineBI adoption in Russia as an anti-crisi response, while admirable isn’t any kind of recognition or indication of leading talent that is compelling or sufficient to meet this criteria. We are unable to award the Mandatory Criteria.

Regarding OC1, the applicant has provided additional details in his Review as evidence of a track record of innovation. However, the evidence of insurance MVP, tracker for development of new products, recommendation system at More.TV and anti-crisis response with the new BI system aren’t examples of innovation in a new digital field or concept and do not meet the threshold required to demonstrate the level of innovation to meet this criteria. Further, we are unable to see any IP or patent where the applicant is a named inventor. We are unable to award OC1.

We see evidence that the applicant meets OC3.

What now:

As a result I matches to OC3, but not MC and OC1 for Talent visa.

Now I want to add 3 cover letter from people not from my jobe and change my innovation part.

Can you tell me my current chances to receive accept on Exceptional promise and what do you think need to be changed

Thank you a lot!

It does not seem like much has changed in your planned submission. There were concerns about all your recommendations being from direct bosses and that’s still the case.

Your MC is clearly not strong - Did the news mention your name for instance? Also, your former endorsement review letter states clearly that "... a high salary alone is not sufficient to meet the criteria for this visa". so you’d need more evidence for MC. You still have room for 3 additional evidence anyway.

MC must meet the example of being recognized outside your direct work.

OC1 - doc 4 & 5 how do you demonstrate your own “significant” contribution to the new BI and data models?