Please rate my profile for Stage 1 (Healthtech) Exceptional Talent

Hi all,

I’ve worked in the digital tech space for 10 years starting in the role of a Product Manager. Currently based in the UK as a Product Lead at a UK-based healthcare scale-up (3+ years) that operates across Europe. During this time at this org, I built and manage all the clinical products (digital prescriptions, digital signatures, digital consultations), powering digital healthcare experiences for various strategic partners (ex: two of the largest high-street pharmacy chains, NHS pilot), manage their operational products, and also helped launch the company’s first consumer-facing app in Germany (the company’s largest market).

Personal statement

My personal statement will address my strong interest in building digital health products that focus on preventative healthcare (as most current healthcare players offer reactive care or sick care) and institutions such as the NHS are in massive need of and open to proactive care solutions.

CV + LinkedIn

Letters of recommendation

  1. Ex-Chief Commercial Officer at the org I’m at and now VP/Chief of Staff at another UK based (Europe focused) healthcare scale-up to confirm my contributions and impact of the products I’ve built
  2. Ex-Head of UK at the org I’m at and now Entrepreneur at one of UK’s leading accelerators (recognised by TechNation)
  3. Ex-Commercial Director (Partnerships and Markets) at the org I’m at and now MD at healthtech advisory company

Mandatory Criteria

**You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product or team inside a digital technology company, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings, lines of code from public repos or similar evidence.

Evidence 1: Support letter from CEO of the org I’m at

Evidence 2: Support letter from COO of the org I’m at

Evidence 3: Support letter from Head of Partnerships of the org I’m at

Optional Criteria

2) proof of recognition for work beyond the applicant’s occupation that contributes to the advancement of the field

Evidence of mentorship with a recognized org that promotes entrepreneurship for young first-time founders/creatives

Evidence 4: Reference letter from program’s Relationship manager (or certificate of mentorship is available)

Evidence 5: Support letter from my mentee

3) they have made significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive or employee of a product-led digital technology company

Evidence 6: Support letter from CIO (my manager)

Evidence 7: Support letter from ex-CIO (my previous manager)

Evidence 8: Letter of support from Partnership Director of one of UK’s largest high-street pharmacy chains (a strategic partner)

Evidence 9: Major media article that talks about the org’s Series A and references impact of a few of the clinical products (I built and manage) helps the business differentiate/win

Evidence 10: Salary slip + equity

Additional Evidence 1: A news article referencing my previous startup and my co-founder role (unfortunately had to shut down the business before completing registration, so, unsure if this would bring any value)

Additional Evidence 2: Letter of support from a peer (Engineering manager) at the current org

I plan to apply as a business applicant.

Thank you for taking the time to read this far and I’d love to hear your feedback or thoughts on my application.


I think your evidence are mostly reference letters.

On the surface, I am not sure what your claim of impact is? Are you going to show some performance metric of the product?

You may need to rethink the evidence you have listed for the Mandatory Criteria. Why are you providing reference Letters from three people in the same organisation? What are they going to say differently?

For optional Criteria two, you are providing two evidence from two people in the same organisation, I would merge both as a single evidence.

Optional Criteria three is similar feed back and MC and OC2.

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Thank you for your feedback @Francisca_Chiedu.

The products I’ve worked on are largely non-consumer-facing, so the type of metrics I’d share would be primarily efficiency metrics. The letters from the CEO and COO would confirm how the efficiency-driven products have helped the company raise funds and the third reference would be confirming how it’s helped the org win key strategic partnership contracts.

I hope that makes sense. Having said that, you’ve given me food for thought to rethink my pieces of evidence.

If this is a product-led digital technology company, you should think of how to show quantifiable metrics. “Letters of Reference alone are not sufficient and should be supported by other evidence”. In my opinion, getting two or reference letter from the same organization as two separate evidence may not strengthen your application. I would merge letters from the CEO and COO as one evidence.