Please rate my profile for Exceptional Promise/Talent

I have experienced more than 14+ years software development experience.
for last 5 years;
I worked as an employee at tech company , and I led the innovative product and I started a tech company successfully that is based at Technology Development Center on Turkey
I’ll submit 2 projects these documents that one of them as an employer other is an founder tech company:

Mandatory Criteria:

1-Code Contrbution From Gitlab Repo Project that as an employee
2-Administrator Facebook Developers Integration Project that as an employee (Social Media Project)
3-Assessment Of The Work Of Others (Invoice + Aggrement)
4-Company incorporation and financial statements share ownership of the company I co-founded as evidenced by Incorporation certificate and prospectus - that as an founder (%100 owner ship)
5-Acceptance letter for the Science & Technology Development Center - for innovation project

Optional 1:
1-Employment Contract With High Salary And Stock Options
2-Company and personal revenue statements
3-Acceptance letter for the Science & Technology Development Center - that as a founder

Optional 3:
Project Calendar of Project that as an employee
Documentation on product designs or architecture diagram clearly showing your contribution + System Architecture Design Doc + integration flow that as a founder innovation project
GitHub account that contains lines of code clearly showing your continuing contribution

How is your suggestion and comments @Francisca_Chiedu


It appears your mandatory criteria is focused on your work. What other external validation and recognition do you have? How is acceptance in to science and technology development centre proof of your recognition as a leader? Is this some kind of award in your home country? For assessment of work of other, can you explain why you are using invoice and agreement. I am not sure it’s a suitable evidence. For evidence 1 and 2, I think you should use one project to make your evidence more diverse. Also add a reference letter to confirm you led the team in a product Led digital technology company. For the company you have started has the company made significant success?

For optional Criteria 1, what’s the innovation? You don’t have evidence of the product built, what’s innovative about the product? Your evidence is mostly about salary and company and personal revenue statement. I don’t think this is enough to prove innovation. For evidence 3, you can’t use same Evidence you used in the mandatory criteria.

For Optional Criteria 3 you may need a letter from your employer to confirm your impact.

Generally, for your level of experience you need to show quality evidence that proof that you are a leader in your sector. With 14+ years of experience you need to show proof of your expert contribution and recognition nationally or internationally.

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just innovative project can be confirmed from Technology Developemnt Center, so our project is so innovative. We might consider as an award fro my company, I’ll add a reference letter also innovative project. We can say , company is succesfull both commercially and innovative,
I 'll get also a letter from my employer to confirm my impact.

With 14+ years of experience you need to show proof of your expert contribution and recognition nationally or internationally. → What examples could I add, what is your opinion? Thanks


Which examples can we add for this Optional 1 Criteria?

  • Evidence for each business should include your last set of audited accounts, projections for current financial year and articles of association.


Since you are an employee, you may need to show evidence of that you are working in a new digital field or concept. Do you have a patent?

I have experienced more than 14+ years software development experience.
for last 5 years;
I started product -led company and my company & product has been endorsed Science & Technolog Park which is only endorsed innovative & research -development product accepts. I also worked to innovative 5G project and I’ll prepare below document
Mandatory Criteria:
-Employment Contract With High Salary And Stock Options
-Assessment Of The Work Of Others (Invoice + Aggrement)
-Company incorporation and financial statements share ownership of the company I co-founded as evidenced by Incorporation certificate and prospectus - that as an founder (%100 owner ship)

Optional 1:

-Company and personal revenue statements - current financial year and articles of association my company
-Endorsement letter for the Science & Technology Development Center - for innovation project
-IT park, where only commercially successful companies that develop technology-oriented innovative products and conduct research and development are accepted - like Silicon Valley → I’ll also get RL from Science Park General Manager.
-Code Contrbution From Gitlab Repo Project that as an employee
-5G Product proof link + also mention this project in other Reference Letter my manager
-Evidence for each business should include your last set of audited accounts, projections for current financial year and articles of association for my start-up company

Optional 3:
Project Calendar of Project that as an employee
Documentation on product designs or architecture diagram clearly showing your contribution + System Architecture Design Doc + integration flow that as a founder innovation project
GitHub account that contains lines of code clearly showing your continuing contribution
Administrator Facebook Developers Integration Project that as an employee (Social Media Project)
Product Proof - Letter

How is your suggestion and comments @Francisca_Chiedu @ask4jubad @May


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Have you applied @Taner_BASLI1?