Please Rate My Profile For Exception Promise for GTV

@May @Francisca_Chiedu

Please rate this profile for promise

Recommendation Letters

  • CTO at the startup where I Work.
  • CTO at a previous company
  • CEO of a new startup who I have worked with in the past .

Personal Statement

Mandatory Evidence

  • Employment contract with salary information - including half and end-of-the-year bonuses and equity options
  • Reference letter from my former CTO of my previous company
  • Screenshots of my work contributors graph on GitHub and the title of technical documents written.

OC 2

  1. Picture evidence of participating in ana hackathon, volunteering as an instructor in a girl’s BootCamp, a Saturday hackathon event.
  2. Reference letter from the BootCamp stating I led three cohorts

OC 3

  • Document explaining my contribution to the growth of the company this will include marketing analytics dashboard showing - digital growth, leads generated, new users acquired, ad views and clicks, and traffic acquisition.
  1. Letter from the CEO showing my impact on the organisation
  2. Evidence of the impact of the users using the product we worked on
  3. Git commits graph

Any feedback is really appreciated.

Your MC evidence appears to primarily focus on your work within your current or previous company and may not be sufficient to meet this criteria. Do you have any publicly verifiable achievements or external recognition that demonstrate your leadership in digital technology?
Your OC2 has to be a recognised program that advances the digital technology sector. What is the nature of this hackathon and your specific contribution?

MC, I don’t have any public verifiable achievement.

For OC2, The bootcamp is a very big one here in the UK, and it focuses on empowering women with digital skills. For the hackathon, I was a participant in the event. and it was a two day event