Please rate my profile as exceptional promise

About Me :
• I am holding an innovator visa and running a product-led company (“Company A”) as a co-founder & strategy director for 11 months. I co-founded this company with another tech start-up (“Company B”).
• My previous experience was working in an advertising agency as client service, which drives business growth and conversions to my clients for 2 years. The revenue led by me was over £1M during my time as an account manager. We won a digital advertising award, using ad tech. The project was led by me.
• I graduated by the end of 2019 from my master degree so my experience is under 5 years
• I joined a start up programme during my undergrad, which was my first attempt to run a tech business, and was granted a £10K pre-seed fund. That was in 2017

The main reason why I want to apply for global talent visa is because my co-founder (“Company B”) & my current startup (“Company A”) might get acquired soon by a big company and I might lose my directorship, which will risk losing my innovator visa.

Recommendation from:
• The founder of my co-founder company (“Company B”). He is well-recognised by the tech industry and has a very strong public profile in tech. He’s not my line manager and only overlooking both “Company A” and “Company B”
• My old client (VP level) who used my MVP product and now became the business advisor to “Company A”. He now left the business and being a freelance business advisor & investor in ad tech because of family reasons.
• The CPO of my bidder who wants to acquire “Company A” & “Company B”

Optional criteria I choose

  • at least 1 example of innovation as a founder of a product led digital technology company or as an employee working on a new digital field or concept √
  • at least 1 example of proof of recognition for work beyond the applicant’s occupation that contributes to the advancement of the field
  • at least 1 example of significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder or employee of a product-led digital technology company √
  • at least 1 example of exceptional ability in the field by academic contributions through research endorsed by an expert.

My Evidence:

  1. Innovator visa endorsement - to show that I am running a product-led business which is innovative
  2. Screenshots from Company house - to show my ownership & directorship of my business
  3. The employment contract of my business - to show the relationship between Company A & Company B, as well as my responsibilities for both companies
  4. The partnership contract with a leading company in the ad tech industry - to show that the product is recognised by the industry leader and led by me
  5. The business invoices of June - show that the current MRR and the company is starting to receive revenue even in the very early stage
  6. Acquisition LOIs screenshots - two Lois were sent to my co-founder stating the intention of acquisition in full
  7. An accelerator program shortlist of Company B after I joined the team - our products are making a sustainable impact to society and I got invited to this program on behalf of Company B
  8. My revenue sheet from my old employer, the advertising agency - to show my commercial and leadership skill
  9. Screenshots of Award in digital advertising led by me - To show my knowledge in ad tech and be able to use that in business growth for my client.
  • But this was from my agency experience and I know tech nation doesn’t recognise agency work…what suggestions do you guys have?
  1. screenshot of Fundraising for my uni project in 2017 - to show my business talent during very young age

The project was with 4 other schoolmates and only the founder of the project was in the fundraising paper. However I did have a pic that showed my face in that project…but the other evidences are too difficult to trace back because they are all within my uni system and I don’t have access to them now

Appreciate any feedback! And please let me know if I meet the criteria

Thanks all!