Please help to review my application (Talent, Business)

Hi Everyone,

I took some time to re-arrange my previous application and am seeking your further feedback on what to improve.


I am a technology sales professional with over 14 years of experience, the last 8 of which have been with some of the most reputable companies in the HR Tech space. The last four years have been in edtech, where my contribution to companies and society, in general, has made a strong impact. This is where I can support individuals, companies, and society in the UK. In APAC, I’ve supported companies in developed and developing countries to future-proof their workforce by upskilling and keeping their business ahead.

Recommendation letters:

  • Letter from my company president.
  • Letter from the current senior director for customer success, who has seen firsthand the success of my projects and their impact on clients.
  • My ex-manager, current GM for APAC in one of the hottest tech companies globally.
  • Optional: The Academy Head of one of my customers, who, through collaboration, was awarded the fourth-best learning company in a country with a population of 100M+.
  • Optional: Managing Director of one of our regional partners, where he explains how I’ve worked on developing regional markets.


Mandatory Criteria:

  1. Recognition of high remuneration through screenshots of pay slips from the current company with salary slips showing big sales commissions and salary increases + evidence that my salary is above average salary even in Singapore (data from the Morgan McKinley salary guide)
  2. Screenshots of sales dashboard with the indication of sales achievement and new business acquisition with my name on top + sales dash with yearly achievement
  3. Evidence of speaking at high profile technology event where I presented to HR leaders’ digital transformation and how it’s shifting organizations to take a skills-based approach and the role of HR in achieving this.
  4. TBC: Letter of reference from current VP describing that I enabled substantial revenue and/or customer growth or major commercial success


  1. Revenue achieved for each country and growth from the previous year showcasing my ability to sell to various markets.
  2. Showcase how I’ve built partnerships and business relationships across the region to expand in-country short-term revenue growth.
  3. Sales and impact of new focus products for the company and its impact on customers. (Including overachieving sales for this product.)

OC 3: Impact on my Customers

  1. Evidence of the customer deal, associated commission, and mentioning the customer in the earnings calls
  2. Case study of a customer in the high-tech industry on how I supported creating cultural learning and the ability to upskill AI. Mention of me in the case study.
  3. Case study on how I built a culture of learning to transform the organization. Due to this, they won an award for learning and development, and I have a screenshot of an email from the customer thanking me for making it possible.

Many thanks in advance for your help!

Hi @edtechsalespro


  • would recommend not having two LOR spots with people from same company: it will have overlap of content hence you are better off using the letter from your company president here and your manager as a reference letter in evidence documents.


  • what was the event audience size? Can you show speaker invite? Any testimonials from event organizer also?
  • This criteria is still weak for you as snapshots of sales dashboards might show you are a top achiever “internally” but doesn’t prove you as a talent in the whole sector itself. Salary document also is not a strong piece of evidence as TN considers it insufficient.
  • please refer to feedback in last thread on how you may strengthen this with additional stronger evidence.


  • how do your evidences here show your contribution to innovation?
  • some of these evidences seem better fit in MC


  • this is about technical, commercial or entrepreneurial impact, not really “impact on customers” which is considered but your stories should also cover your work at your company and tie it to impact on the customers.
  • use quantified impact
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