Please help review Software Engineer application for Exceptional Promise

Hi everyone!

I am Toni. I’m currently collating my evidence(s?) for the GTV as an exceptional promise

Could you please review my evidence? I’d appreciate any help you can provide.

Letter of Recommendations

  1. CEO/CTO of Company A (Current Company) [Blockchain & Crypto Sector]
  2. CEO of Company B (Previous Company) [Telecommunications & Health Sector]
  3. CEO of Company C (Active Contract > 2 years) [Financial technology & AML Sector] UK Based


  • Mandatory Criteria

    1. Significant contributor to a substantial open-source project
      • Golang pkg with 80 +stars
      • Screenshots of Github commits to repo
      • Screenshot of Tweet with much traction when the package was launched.
      • Links to Github repositories showing open-source similar packages in other languages that were
        built on the inspiration of this.
    2. Evidence of speaking at an event for your particular field in the digital technology sector
      The event was virtual as this was during the pandemic and had over 150 participants.
      • Screenshots of Fliers showing myself as a speaker
      • Attached link to the event website
      • Screenshot of other speakers from companies like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, etc.
      • Highlighting the sponsors of the event such as Github, Udemy
      • Screenshot of PowerPoint slides
    3. Letter from Cofounder of Fintech and Global talent visa recipient (worked on open source project
      • Reference letter from the co-founder of a fintech that was recently acquired.
    4. Evidence of Employment Contract + Historical Earnings (Company A) [Current Company]
      • Screenshot of Employment Contract
      • Evidence of 5 salary increments within 2 years
    • Screenshots of emails highlighting personal performance and achievements as reasons for salary
  • Optional Criteria 2

    1. Letter of Reference from the Event Organizer

      • Letter of reference from the event I spoke at in MC 2
    2. Evidence of Command of high salary

      • Described Key products I’ve built at Company A
      • Attached screenshots from Glassdoor highlighting my salary as high.
      • Attached screenshots of employment contract
      • Attached screenshots of email HR team highlighting the recent promotion to senior-level
    3. Github Profile Highlighting participating in collaborative Projects

      • Attached screenshot of the GitHub Profile with over 2,500 contributions in the last year
      • Attached screenshot showing me as the #1 contributor on some of Company A’s private repositories.
      • Screenshot and Link to code snippet to an open-source repository
      • Links to Public SDKs on GitHub I built for Company A’s products
  • Optional Criteria 3

    1. Letter of Reference (COO) [Company A]
    2. Technical Contribution to Company A’s products
      • Screenshots of Architectural diagrams and Schema’s
      • Screenshots of documentation I wrote
      • Screenshots of User Flow journey I created
    3. Evidence of Contribution to Open Source Project + Medium Article
      • Attached Link to Repo
      • Described Project and the link to Medium
      • Screenshot showing article has close to 1000 reads
      • Attached screenshot of code snippets
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OC2-1: you can’t use the same evidence for multiple criteria. You’re using the same event for MC 2

OC2-2: High salary belong to MC

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I think you have some strong evidence. However, you need to note that you can’t repeat evidence. If you have two speaking events, you can use one for MC and another for OC2. I also hope the opensource project you are referring to in MC, OC2 and OC3 are separate projects. Also endure the evidence are not recent and you are not using the same reference letter to evidence more than one criterion.

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Hi @hsafra, Good day. Thank you for the feedback.

‘OC2-1: you can’t use the same evidence for multiple criteria. You’re using the same event for MC 2’

  • For the MC 2, I collated “evidence of speaking at an event” such as the fliers, slides, and emails.
    However, I have maxed out the 3-page limit for this document.
    I reached out to the lead organizer of the event, and they sent a letter of reference stating why I was invited to speak at the event/evidence I spoke at the event. I assumed I could use this as another evidence, as it’s also a letter of reference. Do you think it is repetiitve?

‘OC2-2: High salary belongs to MC’

  • Does this mean I should swap the OC2-2 with the MC-4?

Hi @Francisca_Chiedu , Good day. Thank you for the feedback.

‘If you have two speaking events, you can use one for MC and another for OC2’

  • I had just one speaking event, but I used my collation of evidence and a letter I recently requested from the lead organizer as separate pieces of evidence. My collation of evidence had reached the 3-page limit. Do you think I should merge the two for my MC-2 and try to come up with another evidence for the OC2-1?
    ‘I also hope the opensource project you are referring to in MC, OC2, and OC3 are separate projects’
  • The open source in MC is standalone, The OC2-2 shows my Github profile commits within the last year, screenshots from private repositories of my current company, and some screenshots of pull requests. I added a screenshot of a single commit to the open source in MC, Should I take this out?
    Yes, all evidence is not recent and is from 1-2 years ago. All reference letters are unique to each criterion as well.

If you have one event submit in to MC and only on one evidence file. No use in wasting a second file to provide the same evidence. Just pick the essential pieces to show that you were on stage, what was the talk about and what the attendance was.

You need to show ongoing work on the project, s single commit isn’t impressive.

If the GitHubin OC2 is related your employment then it’s not suitable for OC2. OC2 is work outside immediate employment. You can use on opensource that’s not related to your employment for OC3 and use the GitHub repo for OC3

Okay. I’d swap the OC3-3 for the OC2-3. Thank you

As regards the evidence for speaking at an event (MC2 and OC2-1)? Would you recommend merging them or keeping them separate as they’re both unique evidences?

I don’t have any other pending evidence to add at the moment.

Okay, I’d make this change. Assumed I could use a unique letter of reference as another evidence

This was a project I worked on about 2 years ago, it doesn’t have any ongoing work on the project at the moment. Can it still be considered as “good evidence”?

No, I’d say a single commit 2 years ago isn’t very good evidence

Hi everyone, I applied for the Tech Nation Endorsement on the 3rd, of August 2024 and got rejected today(3rd September 2024).

  • 5th August, 2024 (First Edit)
  • 8th August, 2024 (Second Edit) (10:40 UTC)
  • 12th August 2024 (Third Edit) 16:20 (UTC)
  • 23rd August 2024 (Fourth Edit) 14:52 (UTC)
  • 23rd August 2024 17:03 (Fifth Edit) UTC
  • 28th August 2024 13:16 (UTC) (Sixth Edit)
  • 3rd September, 2024 (Rejection)

Documents I submitted (9 evidences + 3 LOR’s)
Letter of Recommendations

  1. CEO/CTO of Company A (Current Company) [Blockchain & Crypto Sector] - Recently raised over 3m USD
  2. CEO of Company B (Previous Company) [Telecommunications & Health Sector]
  3. CEO of Company C (Active Contract > 2 years) [Financial technology & AML Sector] UK Based


  1. Significant contributor to a substantial open-source project
  • Golang pkg with 80 +stars
  • Screenshots of Github commits to repo
  • Screenshot of announcement tweet on X showing impressions from the package
  • Links to Github repositories showing open-source similar packages in other languages that were
    built on the inspiration of this.
  1. Evidence of speaking at an event for your particular field in the digital technology sector
    The event was virtual as this was during the pandemic and had over 150 participants.
  • Screenshots of Fliers showing myself as a speaker
  • Attached link to the event website
  • Screenshot of other speakers from companies like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, etc.
  • Highlighting the sponsors of the event such as Github, Udemy
  • Screenshot of PowerPoint slides
  • Letter of Reference from the Lead Organizer explaining why I was invited to speak.
  1. Letter from Cofounder of Fintech (which was recently acquired) and Global talent visa recipient (worked on open source project together)

  2. Evidence of Command of high salary

  • Described Key products with links I’ve built at Company A (current company)
  • Attached screenshot from Glassdoor highlighting my salary as high based on my location.
  • Attached screenshot of my employment contract with current company.
  • Attached screenshot of email from the HR team highlighting my recent promotion to senior-level

OC 2:

  1. Evidence of contribution to a different Open Source project
  • Screenshot of Impressions from Article
  • Links to the Article
  • Screenshot of Github Commit to the Open source project
  1. Evidence of Employment Contract + Historical Earnings (Company A) [Current Company]
  • Screenshot of Employment Contract
  • Evidence of 5 salary increments within 2 years
  • Screenshots of emails highlighting personal performance and achievements as reasons for salary

OC 3:

  1. Letter of Reference (COO and Cofounder) [Company A]
  2. Github Profile Commit History
  • Screenshot of commit history showing over 2,500 commits average over the last 4 years
  • Screenshot showing me as the number 1 contributor across all our internal repositories (Current company)
  • Public repositories for SDKs I worked on for my current company showing me as the sole contributor.
  1. Technical Contribution to Current Company’s suite of products (3 paged PDF)
  • Screenshots of Architectural diagrams and Schema’s
  • Screenshots of Flow charts I’ve designed and evidence showing the history version that I worked on them
  • Screenshots of Transaction’s services and a Gtihub commit screenshot.

I’ve attached my submissions and the panel feedback. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I believe I can put together an appeal for the conditions not met:

  1. Considering my currency location, I earn a high salary. I didn’t assume there was “exceptionally high” as a requirement.
  2. Most of my contributions are to private repositories, but I attached screenshots and repository insights, showing my commits.
  3. The online talk was majorly talking about the different parts of software development, and how I switched careers from a non-tech engineering background to a tech career, highlighting the next steps for anyone in a similar scenario.
  4. About OC3, Some of the projects I’ve worked on for Company A can be accessed publicly via the company’s blog. The CEO/CTO of the company also mentioned my impact on these projects.
  5. My MC had a letter attached from the lead organizer and signed explaining why I was invited to speak at this event.

@Francisca_Chiedu @ask4jubad @alexnk @hsafra
I would sincerely appreciate your thoughts

I am sorry to hear that it was rejected. To be honest, I think it is dificult for you to pass this appeal this time, but you may try to point out to the different criterion which could have helped to find out from what the another assessor think about your application. Here are my comments:

  1. To appeal, or at least on your next application, you should allocate
    -Some of MC to OC2, as they may be helping the digital tech community
    -OC2 doc2 to MC, as it does not show any impact to the digital tech field.
  2. your letters need to talk in details about what you did, at least for 1 year of the work that the person know you.
  3. OC3 needs to be business impact which talks about measurable KPIs, result, numbers, or any tangible reports. Your self-authored evidence that you provided, without referree’s endorsement will not be strong enough.
  4. strengthen your speaking engagement activity, gihub or any community contribution, and any more toward digital tech field.

If you get the second opinion, then you may have a better understanding of your situation if you want to try a new application or not.

I hope this helps @toni


Thank you so much for the feedback @alexnk. I’d try to get a second opinion.

@alexnk could you please give guidance regarding 'independent third party verification ', what does it mean and what type of evidence can cover this aspect of OC3?

hi @hasam ,

what meant by ‘‘independent third party verification’’ is additional reference letters? or blogs or articles? awards? Basically, a document that is not self-authored and its from someone or some organisation who is specialised in the Tech Field…

Hope this helps!

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