Please Help Review my Exceptional Talent Application

Hey all,

I am planning to apply for the exceptional talent route in the Global Talent Visa, and would appreciate feedback on my application. For context, I am a Director of Data Science at a US-based Fintech company.

I have a total of 10 years of experience. 5 years and 6 months ago, I switched from Economic Research to Data Science. I have a Masters in Computer Science, with a Machine Learning specialization.

Recommendation Letters:

  1. VP, IT Executive at Fortune 500 Fintech. Previously was VP of data at other fintechs and was my manager at my current company.
  2. CFO at a large well known British sports team. Previously, was CFO and my manager at my current company. Prior to that was CFO at other tech startups with successful exits.
  3. VP of Data Engineering at my current company. Was my manager, but left to start his own company a few months ago.

Supporting Evidence:

  1. MC: Letter from past VP of Growth at my current company. Speaks to how I grew the Growth Data team at a Fintech and leveraged it to drive growth for the company.

  2. MC: Chart of revenue and/or user growth over time at my current company. Labels indicating key initiatives from my team that drove growth.

  3. MC: Compensation and title history. High current salary with frequent increases. Promoted 6 times in 10 years.

  4. OC1: I was Chief Data Science Officer and on the founding team at a startup that built a content platform to connect tastemakers with consumers. The company no longer exists and was pre-revenue. I will provide screenshots of my equity grant, funds raised ($3MM+), and user growth over time.

  5. OC1: Description of a novel internal AB testing framework I built at my current company. I will include a technical diagram and a description of business impact. I will include a screenshot of my github contributions on the project

  6. OC3: Letter from a past Chief Product Officer at my current company. Speaks to how I helped lead our transition to a subscription business.

  7. OC3: Business impact of transition to a subscription business. Chart of revenue and revenue per user over time. Screenshots showing product changes.

Side questions:

  1. Can I apply for exceptional promise since I changed to Data Science 5.5 years ago? I would be happy with either. I just want to maximize my chance of approval.
  2. Can my recommendation letters support the mandatory and optional criteria?

Thank you in advance for your feedback!