Please help review evidences (Exceptional Promise)

Hi Everyone, Please help review my evidences. Thank you.

MC 1

Failed Startup with traction but no revenue

A document detailing the following:

  • News clip about the startup on industry related blog
  • Bank Statements showing salary paid out
  • Google analytics
  • Facebook ad results
  • Figma wireframes
  • Product Requirement document for the application
  • Marketing strategies
  • Marketing Flyers
  • Minutes of meetings
  • Customer reviews

MC 2

Reference letter from CEO of Company B

MC 3:

A document detailing the impact of my work for an NGO as the IT Team Lead.

The NGO is aimed at enriching lives through financial education and empowerment with a focus on rural women in Nigeria.

I led the development of a web based platform that allows these rural women access to interest-free loans. The document contains:

  • Front end architecture diagrams
  • Github contributions
  • Wireframes on Figma before translating into code.
  • Screenshots of dashboard
  • Screenshot of the impact of the web app i developed through its number of reach, usage, number of women granted the interest free loans and videos of these women attesting to how it helped their businesses
  • Support letter from the CEO
  • Pictures of me during the training

MC 4:

A document showing how my present pay is above how much developers earn in Nigeria. Supported with glassdoor and payscale comparisons

MC 5

Reference letter from Lead Software Engineer of Company A

OC 1:

Failed Startup with traction but no revenue

A document detailing the following:

  • News clipping from industry-related blogs
  • Screenshots of admin dashboard showing user traction
  • Figma wireframes of the platform
  • PRD for product development
  • Detailed description of how the product works
  • Screenshots of chats with users attesting to the product being valuable to them.
  • Revenue projection

OC 3:


Company A

A document detailing the following:

  • Github contributions
  • Wireframes on Figma before translating into code.
  • Screenshots of web application developed
  • Screenshots of reviews from my reporting manager on “15 five” explaining the impact of my work
  • Screenshots of Jira tickets assigned
  • Support letter from tech lead talking about the metrics and impact of my work
  • Offer letter


Company B: Business Unit 1 (Loan related)

A document detailing the following as the IT Team Lead:

  • Front end architecture diagrams
  • Github contributions
  • Wireframes on Figma before translating into code.
  • Screenshots of web application and admin dashboard
  • Screenshot of the impact of the web application I developed through the number of loans given out, number of users and profit generated with explanation of how my work made it possible.
  • Support letter from the head of the business unit talking about the metrics and impact of my work
  • Offer letter showing salary and other benefits


Company B: Business Unit 2 (Investment related)

A document detailing the following as the IT Team Lead:

  • Front end architecture diagrams
  • Github contributions
  • Wireframes on Figma before translating into code.
  • Screenshots of web application and admin dashboard
  • Screenshot of the impact of the web application I developed through the number of loans given out, number of users and profit generated with explanation of how my work made it possible.
  • Support letter from the head of the business unit talking about the metrics and impact of my work

Company B: Business Unit 3 (Real estate related)

A document detailing the following as the IT Team Lead:

  • Front end architecture diagrams
  • Github contributions
  • Wireframes on Figma before translating into code.
  • Screenshots of dashboard
  • Screenshot of the impact of the web application I developed through the number of units of apartments and houses sold/booked, number of users, bookings and profit generated with explanation of how my work made it possible.
  • Support letter from the head of the business unit talking about the metrics and impact of my work

@Francisca_Chiedu Please help review. Thank you

For MC. You seem to have 3 evidence and 2 letters. I see 1 out of 5 shows the impact. You may adjust your MC1 to an impact side of your MC. 2 letters seem to be too many in this MC, I suggest you turn 1 of them to OC1 to enhance it.

I think OC1 is a concern for me, as you need to demonstrate the INNOVATION of your work. It will be great if you can try to demonstrate a minimum of 2 to 3 INNOVATIONS in this OC1. You may use the different projects to show that you have more than 1 work related to it. Please remember that these innovation does not require showing the impact, and it will be great if it is different from MC3.

OC3 looks good as it shows impacts in all of the evidence.
Please also ensure that your Github contributions are strong enough to fall in OC3, otherwise, it may fall under OC2.

Nevertheless, please ensure that the main work you are referring to is considered within a “digital technology sector” or “product-led digital technology company”.

I hope this helps

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