Please help me organize evidence (MC, OC1 and OC3)


I would love some guidance on how to organize evidence. I am applying for exceptional talent under OC1 and OC3. The main point of my application is am the co-founder and CEO of a tech company which recently raised $2.1M and is headquartered in London through a subsidiary (the parent is in the US). In order for us to be based there, I need to be formally there to run it on site. This is my evidence so far covering the minimum:


  • International press releases in major tech and VC media about the funding round and our company featuring testimonies and interviews with me.
  • Leadership and reach within my 2 previous companies as employee: speaking at two major industry conferences recognized globally, appearance in a documentary in public TV.


  • Two granted patents with my name, one of them first author, and one published scientific AI peer-reviewed paper on behalf of my company (47 citations), international conference.
  • Employment, salary and stock in my previous company (>10% percentile in the country, but not super impressive).


  • Documents of UK subsidiary: constitution, proof of funding from the US and books (>£1M to date).
  • I was the best-rated lecturer for years in a recognized master program in the Stock Exchange of Madrid. Reference letter of director and info.

Uncategorized / tentative:

  • Evidence of majority ownership, incorporation and corporate structure of the group.
  • Evidence and docs of funding round for $2.1M.
  • Evidence that we are already employing 5 high-grade, London-based engineers.
  • More stuff about my company? E.g., office lease in London, cap table, etc.
  • Offer letter from my company for me to lead the subsidiary with salary?

I am squeezing some things to fit in the 3 page limit, although maybe I should loosen up to make more bulk or distribute among criteria. I don’t know if I am organizing it optimally throughout the criteria or some other strategy would be better. Any advice, input, additional suggestions or brutal criticism is super welcome!

Thank you in advance!

@Francisca_Chiedu @somdipdey I would love if you guys could kindly take a look, I really liked your other posts and replies on the matter and I think your feedback could be very helpful. Thanks in advance!

Also @moorjaniajay , if you could write a few comments I would greatly appreciate it. Your journey was inspiring to read, and also related as you started a VC-backed business as well and managed to present it in an appealing way to the reviewers.

You have evidence that demonstrates that you an exceptional talent. I would recommend you put more than just two evidence in each of the criteria. The more evidence pool you have, the more you can demonstrate your recognition as a leader.
For the mandatory criteria, you need to be careful about the wording of your speaking engagements at the conference. Tech nation guide states it must not be an event that was sponsored by your organisation. You want to show that you were invited because of your expertise or thought leadership or n the sector.

For the Mandatory

  1. You can show evidence of media recognition about your work, the funding raised. This could be screenshot sorts of different media publications and should not exceed three pages, you can add explanatory notes if necessary.
  2. Hight profile speaking event, show picture of you speak, event programme, invitation letters. The attendance must be more than 100 people. Also don’t use very recent events
  3. You could add evidence of high salary and stock options in the company. Use a payscale to show it is high in your home country. Offer letter from my company for me to lead the subsidiary with salary? You could use this here if it is a higher salary.

Use the patents as two separate evidence hopefully this are not recent as evidence close to your time of application are not acceptable.

  1. Patent
  2. Patent 2
  3. Evidence of revenue generated could also suffice here
  4. If you don’t have 3 use reference letters letter that talks about your innovation. Why the product is innovative and about your innovative work.

I think some of your uncategorised evidence are very important

  1. Evidence of majority ownership, incorporation and corporate structure of the group. You can also add you cap table here cap table.

  2. Documents of UK subsidiary: constitution, proof of funding from the US and books (>£1M to date).
    3.Evidence and docs of funding round for $2.1M.

Show how you contributed to investments/ fundraising and revenue generation.

Thanks a lot @Francisca_Chiedu !! That was very helpful. You think then that the evidence of company ownership, operation expenses and evidence of the investment is better suited in OC3 than in MC? I’ve seen some people putting this kind of evicende in MC.

Thanks again!