Please help evaluate application for exceptional promise


  • Details of AI startup I founded (SaaS)
  • Invitation to a startup accelerator
  • Paper I published as first author in the AI field (Not peer reviewed yet but coauthors are experts in the field)
  • Google Analytics report showing startup has over 2M users
  • Report from similar web showing startup has 1.8M monthly visits

OC1: (Innovation)

  • Details of the startup
  • News articles of startup
  • Product Screenshots
  • Dashboard showing startup gets 200K new users monthly

OC3: (Impact)

  • Github commit to private repo of the startup
  • Stripe dashboard showing £195,000 monthly revenue (on track for £2m ARR)
  • Multiple testimonies from customers on Product hunt and twitter
  • Stripe report showing we have customers in 94 countries


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You are missing a lot of details to be qualified. You may be underestimating the requirements, or you just started this without careful read on the Tech Nation guideline. Read more at Tech Nation Visa Guide - Tech Nation

For details:

  • MC: None of these topic show that you were a leader. They are just regular evidence to show that you did something.
  • OC1: Bullet point 1-3 can be combined to show that how it is innovative to the digital tech industry. Anything newly invented?
  • OC3: Add what you did to make these numbers happen. Letters from expert in the field may help here.

Hope this helps @zad