Please advise on my application (Exceptional Talent)

Letter of Recommendation:

  1. Previous VP of Company A and current VP of Company B (current employer).
  2. CTO of Company C
  3. Lead Software Engineer (Company D)

Mandatory criteria:

1. How do I demonstrate that I have been recognized as (or recognized as having the potential to be) a leading talent in the digital technology sector in the last 5 years?

MC # 1: You led the growth of a product-led digital technology company, product or team inside a digital technology company, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings, lines of code from public repos or similar evidence.

  • Company A:
    • Letter of Reference from SVP Engineering and Director of Engineering Describing my work and its impact. How I led multiple projects and my contribution to Ukraine SITREP (A major project).
    • For Ukraine / Russia War. There are articles about appreciation favor of company A and I have downloaded an Email chain of Praise (for me). I have screenshots of appreciation from all around the company.
    • I am hopeful to get a GitHub contribution screenshot but since it’s ex-company it might be difficult.

MC # 3: You led the growth of a non-profit organization or social enterprise with a specific focus on the digital technology sector, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings or similar evidence.

  • Local Community website and classes etc schedule and payment system: I digitized the enrollment and more processes for nonprofit community educational institutes (no more cash plus proper streams of auto-documentation). Can provide a letter of Endorsement for my work, and a few testimonials from management members. Along with a financial dashboard screenshot.
  • United Way of Atlanta: Created a working MVP for United Way of Atlanta with team members and can get the Directors’ reference letter endorsing the work and how it will impact the process on letterhead. This is part of my master’s but I won’t mention that and neither the letter would.
  • One more non-profit piece of work: Can get the company’s director’s letter.

MC # 6: You have received nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence specifically in the digital technology sector, as evidenced by the award itself, reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your achievement, or as evidenced by news clippings or similar evidence.

  • Won Women Tech Quest 2020. Email chain and certificate with LinkedIn news clips.
  • Bronze Medalist in University.

MC # 7: You have evidence of speaking at high-profile digital technology sector events, or specialist events for your particular field in the digital technology sector, as evidenced by reference letter(s) from leading industry expert(s) describing your work, or as evidenced by news clippings or similar evidence (including event size/attendance estimates where possible).

  • Gave talks at IMI and pyData London, I can get screenshots from Website and Reference letters from Panelist. I don’t know how to evidence attendance.

MC # 9: You command a high salary or other remuneration for your services, as evidenced by commercial or employment contracts with salary information including any bonus and equity options and history of earnings.

  • I have a high salary - Top 5%. Can provide payslips and everything as evidence.

Optional Criteria

OC # 2: How do I demonstrate that I have been recognized for my work outside of my immediate occupation that contributed to the advancement of the sector?

OC # 2.2:Your GitHub profile demonstrates active participation in a collaborative project.

  • Personal and University’s Github profile showcasing actual contributions. (Not sure how strong that is -
    I don’t think it is strong).

OC # 2.5: Talks or conference speaking that have had a significant viewership. Conferences must be widely regarded as sector-leading events for your field with at least 100 attendees (not registrations). As a speaker you must be speaking on the main stage and the invitation to speak must not have been paid for by your organisation as part of any sponsorship. Leading a workshop or running a session at a conference is not sufficient. Evidence should include your speech with either a link to the video of you speaking, the programme of events displaying your talk or a reference letter from the conference organiser with explanation of why you were asked to speak.

  • Same as MC # 7 Evidence.

OC # 3: How do I demonstrate that I have made significant technical, commercial, or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member, or employee of a product-led digital technology company?

  • OC # 3.3: Having worked as a key engineer in the core product of a start-up, showing evidence as to how you have contributed to its success.
  • OC # 3 - Evidence 3.3.1: Employment contract with salary information including any bonus and equity options (although you will have to demonstrate how you have made a significant impact in the sector beyond your day-to-day activities). (MC # 9)
    • Contract and payslips. (Again wouldn’t it be repetitive from Mandatory Criteria).
  • OC # 3 - Evidence 3.3.2: Letter from an employer wherever applicable. This is in addition to the required letters of endorsement and should be written by another individual.
    • Letters from Company A and B (Different people’s letters). Will try to get it on letterhead and I can prob ask them to provide some financial or news coverage data on the impact of our work.
    • Current employer (6-month employment date)- I was the key engineer in one of the projects that came in and it received a lot of appreciation. Can get CTO’s letter? - But I haven’t worked there >= 12 months. Amy though knows me however that would be repetitive.

OC # 4: How do I demonstrate that I have exceptional ability in the field by making academic contributions through research?

  • OC # 4.1: Evidence of at least one significant contribution to the field in the form of a paper published in a top-tier peer-reviewed journal. Research undertaken as part of an undergraduate or MSc thesis does not qualify for this criteria
    • One local publication at International Conference in 2017 IEEE C-CODE. This was when I worked in Research Lab at University in 2015-2017.
  • OC # 4.3: Evidence of awards received for outstanding applied work, supported by excellent academic achievement (a first-class degree or distinction).
    • My project got government funding.
    • I am a Bronze Medalist - Distinction.
  • OC # 4.4: A letter of support from a research supervisor or other expert in your area of expertise affirming their potential world-class standard. This is in addition to the required letters of recommendation and must be written by another individual.
    • I should be able to get a letter from my Research Advisor. (Same Research lab one but it’s> 5 years).

I have > 5 years of experience. In your opinion which OC should I target? Can i categorize evidence better? Which evidences are solid and should be included?

Please advise.
@Francisca_Chiedu @alex_james @alexnk @May @femibiwoye @oluwabig


About OC4.1 evidence, I think it does not meet the last 5 years criteria.

MC1: looks ok if well put together.

What kind of award is women tech quest?

MC3 are these nonprofit focused on digital technology? I don’t think this is a strong evidence.
MC6: what’s the Women Tech Quest 2020 about?

MC(. Regarding the conference what screenshot are you getting? Picture of you speaking? What are you getting reference letter from panelist and not organiser?

MC9, high salary looks Ok

For OC2, you can’t repeat same evidence as MC. All evidence must be unique. See Tech Nation 's recent update.

OC3, letter from employer is fine, you can’t use same salary evidence used in MC.

OC4, most evidence are above 5years so not suitable.

Since I need 2 mandatory criteria - I can use MC#1 and MC#9.

For Optional Criteria,


  • Can I not use employment contracts or previous employment payslips at all?
  • Can I use Letters from Companies A and B (Different people’s letters)? Will try to get it on letterhead and I can prob ask them to provide some financial or news coverage data on the impact of our work.
  • Can I use a reference letter from my Current employer (6-month employment date)- I was the key engineer in one of the projects that came in and it received a lot of appreciation. Can get CTO’s letter? (But I haven’t worked there >= 12 months).


  • I can get the Organizers letter and panelist letter for pyData.
  • How cab i strengthen this? I have worked for several Non-profits should i provide Reference letter and probably github code for it?

OC2, are the nonprofits focused on digital technology?

If you plan to use MC1 and 9. How does this evidence show you have been recognised? I know these are listed in tech nation guide but we have seen rejected applications suggesting that you need to show that you have national or international recognition regarding your work. These two evidence don’t sufficiently prove that.

These are nonprofit organizations focused on either helping the homeless or providing community education. The help I provided is digital (Automating processes etc). These are mainly as i described in MC # 3. I thought we should contribute to nonprofits and the focus of that contribution should be on the digital sector.

I have my repos featured in Github Artic Code, which can show a few contributions. Can use that as a piece of evidence?

For MC, If I include my Degree and being a Bronze medalist along with winning Women Tech Quest 2020 (It’s a Women in Tech Hackathon - back in my home country). Could that strengthen the case?

Thank you for replying. I am still contemplating if I should apply. I am on a skilled Worker Visa in the UK with 3 years remaining :frowning:

You led the growth of a non-profit organisation or social enterprise with a specific focus on the digital technology sector. Not that the guide says …with a specific focus on the digital technology sector. What you have described is not focused on digital technology sector.

I am not sure how using your degree certificate will help. For the Women Hackathon it is not considered an award of excellence. You have more than 5years experience so need to demonstrate national or international recognition…

I need more contributions to non-profit and/or publications or open source contributions to strengthen the case. Right? Something i should work on before applying.

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