Please, advice on my Profile for stage 1

Hello everyone, I’m applying for the global talent visa as an exceptional promise.
Please help scrutinize my application profile

Personal statement

  • Personal statement of 980 words, speaking about coming from a non technical background, how i got into IT, my 4 years experience as a software developer and my plans for UK.


  • Up to date CV, showing my experiences, companies I’ve worked for and projects I’ve worked on.

i. LOR from the CEO of company AAA where i currently work speaking about my achievements, how he knows me and that I’m an exceptional and promising leader and how i will be of impact in the UK
ii. LOR from Vice President company AAA speaking about my achievement and how he knows me and my work and that I’m exceptional in my field and my plans for UK
iii. LOR from COO of company BBB speaking about my work, how he knows me and trust my capacity as an exceptional software developer and what makes me unique and the impact he believes my skillset and abilities will have on the UK economy

Mandatory Criteria

  1. Reference letter from CTO of company AAA, highlighting my capacity as a potential and promising leader and also indicating my involvement as a key software developer in the development of a product 111 in partnership with the Lagos State Government.

    • dashboard of web app of the product 111 showing me as a super admin with over 5000 web customers.
    • Snapshot of the dashboard showing me has the author of some custom plugins developed for the product.
    • Sales record for the product and financial records signed by signed by the head of sales and CFO at company AAA.
    • News clippings, links showing the product 111 recognition and it’s prove in market on the Lagos State official website.
    • Link and SnapShot of the product 111 frontend.
    • Ussd Short Code for product 111 with a snapshot.
    • Images of the product 111 presence in market.
  2. Proof of contract showing employment contract and Salary increment letter Statement showing an 87.5% increase based on performance.

Optional Criteria 1
4. CAC license for the digital platform/product 222 I developed as a lead software developer. The product 222 is referenced in 2 of my LOR and other license documents.

    • Partnership contracts of 2 different companies with the product 222
    • dashboard of product 222 showing I’m a super admin and the custom plugins i have developed to enhance functionalities of the product.
    • Financial projections of the product.
    • Link and snapshot of the product 222 frontend application.
    • Ussd Short Code for product 222 with a snapshot.
  1. Repeated no2 from MC

Optional Criteria 3

  1. Reference letter from CFO at company AAA showing my contributions in the development of product 333 and it’s financial impact.

    • Dashboard of product 333 showing me as a super admin and custom plugins i created for web application enhanced functionalities.
    • license for company AAA to operate in the UK.
    • Url link and snapshot of the cooperate website i developed for company AAA.
    • Invoices of over $100,000 given to merchants and other businesses for product 333 signed by the CFO.
  2. Reference letter form Head of sales at Company AAA showing impact of a major integration implemented by me between a Lagos state parastatal and product 111.

    • Documentation for the integration with product 111.
    • News clips of the integration on Lagos state official website.
    • News clips of the first cash winner from the integration with product 111 from the official website of the parastatal.

@Francisca_Chiedu please, kindly give advice, I’ll appreciate it so much

@Chaitanya_Bapat Please, kindly provide advice

Looks solid. It’ll be interesting to see you fit so many screenshots & proofs in 1 single 3-page PDF
How did you manage that?
For #2 and #5 especially

Thanks for your feedback @Chaitanya_Bapat
I cropped some of the snapshots to show the essentials but I ensured it showed the URL in the browser. I have a 5-8 line summary at the start of the pdf that gives clarity to all documents in the respective evidence.

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@Olubunmi_Fajuyigbe please, can you spare a minute to look at my application?

Looks great, but I think you have a lot in number 2.
Also when you say financial projection, does it mean the product is not yet in the market?
Finally, do you have any mentoring experience, if yes, I think you should add it.
All the best.

All of this is my personal opinion. Do well to read the guide as many times as you can. It gets clearer each time.

@Olubunmi_Fajuyigbe Thanks for your feedback
No. 2 seems to have much there but they are all serving as evidence for a single product and all fit perfectly into 3 A4 sides

I used financial projections because its a new product that just entered the market, although its an innovative product. I’m repeating evidence 2 with slight changes because it also points to innovation

And i do not have mentoring experience

@Francisca_Chiedu Can you please spare a minute to look at my application?