Optional Criteria 3

I hope this message finds you well. I am in the process of preparing my application for the Global Talent Visa and would like your guidance on whether my current documentation meets the requirements for Optional Criteria 3.

I have gathered the following evidence:

  1. Contract Letter: Including details of my salary and bonus.
  2. Recommendation Letter from the CEO: Clearly outlining my contributions to the implementation of a new invention within the company.
  3. Annual Report Screenshots: Highlighting the company’s improvements and key metrics following the invention, as mentioned by the CEO.
  4. CEO’s Letter to Staff: Dated at the end of 2023, which specifically mentions my contributions.
    Could you please confirm if this evidence is sufficient to fulfil the requirements for Optional Criteria 3? Any additional recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Yunusa
OC3 says “How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant** technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company**?”

However, note that the term ‘significant contribution’ in this criteria requires you to demonstrate impact, not necessarily innovation. This is different from Optional Criteria 1 where you are required to demonstrate high levels of innovation, not necessarily impact. If these are your chosen criteria then your evidence should clearly demonstrate this differentiation. Submitting the same evidence for both criteria may not be sufficient if it does not meet these different requirements.

i see you have 4 evidences,

  1. Contract Letter: Including details of my salary and bonus :hourglass_flowing_sand:{YES Employment contract with salary information including any bonus and equity options (although you will have to demonstrate how you have made a significant impact in the sector beyond your day-to-day activities)…youll have to show screenshots of your work, your impact , how the company grew under your influence…you knw etc.}

  2. Recommendation Letter from the CEO: :hourglass_flowing_sand:Clearly outlining my contributions to the implementation of a new invention within the company. { this should be a refference letter from the commpany you stated in no 1, the writer should also give in details all the metrics and things you said you have done in your No 1 evidence so y’all are saying nearly the same thing

  3. :x:Annual Report Screenshots: Highlighting the company’s improvements and key metrics following the invention, as mentioned by the CEO.:x: {this evidence should be part of what you’ll show in NO 1}

  4. :x:CEO’s Letter to Staff: Dated at the end of 2023, which specifically mentions my contributions.
    Could you please confirm if this evidence is sufficient to fulfil the requirements for Optional Criteria 3? Any additional recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated.:x: {this evidence should be part of what you’ll show in NO 1. But you do not have to show your end date …your employment mail and letter is enough…remember , you just have 3 pages}

I hope ive been able to help you …