Optional Criteria 3 Confusion

How do I demonstrate that I have made a significant technical, commercial or entrepreneurial contributions to the field as a founder, senior executive, board member or employee of a product-led digital technology company**?**

In this on one hand tech nation has mentioned “employee of a product-led digital Technology company” and on the other hand in evidence options it also mentioned “(although you will have to demonstrate how you have made a significant impact in the sector beyond your day-to-day activities)”

My question is - do we have to show the impact of a product/project that we worked on in the job or out of the job (outside day-to-day activity )?

There is little confusion here.

This confusion seems justified.

It is easy to confuse
A. this phrase in OC3 - significant contribution

Employment contract with salary information including any bonus and equity options (although you will have to demonstrate how you have made a significant impact in the sector beyond your day-to-day activities)


B. OC2 itself

demonstrate this by providing evidence that you have gone beyond your day-to-day profession to engage in an activity that contributes to the advancement of the sector

However the way I read it is

For OC2 evidence should comprise of things outside your work i.e. open-source, github, stackoverflow, conference talk/speaker, op-ed article, mentorship in formal programme

For OC3, significant contribution should be “beyond your daily activities”. It still can [should?] be as part of your immediate occupation. For e.g. project that has “outsized impact” on the business which was “beyond what was expected as part of daily activity”. Without overindexing on the term “beyond daily activities” I would just add 3-4 evidences which show

  1. What impact I [emphasis on I] made to business/technically to advance the field?
  2. Why is it significant? Give context.

Does this help?

Thanks a lot @Chaitanya_Bapat for the elaborate and clear answer. My confusion is solved. Thanks once again.

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