Opinion on my Global Talent Application Needed

Hi eveyone.

So i am in the UK and want to switch to the Gloval talent route but have some concerns.

My background:

  1. Started a press release syndication business in 2019. With zero capital and customers. I bootstraped the busiess leading the digital marketing and building of custom order management software for the business. Made $70k first year. Fast forward to 2023, we digitally acquired 2,300 customers and sold the business for $85k.

  2. Finished my MBA in 2022 and won three awards during that. One from a business competition with 110 participants and i took home two awards…

  3. Got an award from dean school business. Transformation Through Enterprise Activity Award.

  4. Got endorsed for Startup Visa in 2023.

  5. Published some opinion articles on Techcabal and also featured on Vangauard News for my awards.

My questions:

  1. Can i effectively present lecturers or the head of enterprise department as a referral since it is mentioned they must be reknowned or experts in digital field.

  2. Will a letter from the new owner of my business help? He is also a tech founder in the health space with a major exit last year and muiltpile acquisitions.

Comments would be highly appreciated!

Nice profile you have here, to your question.

  1. I don’t believe lecturers will suffice as references as this is more industry based than academic except you are going for OC4
  2. Yes it will as part of your other pieces of evidence and not necessarily as part of the mandatory 3 recommendation letter
  1. Can i effectively present lecturers or the head of enterprise department as a referral since it is mentioned they must be reknowned or experts in digital field.

I wouldn’t recommend that you use academic referees. Go for more industrial experts, CEOs, CTOs, and CMOs. A good rule of thumb is to look for someone whose profile might be worth an endorsement from Tech Nation if they applied.

  1. Will a letter from the new owner of my business help? He is also a tech founder in the health space with a major exit last year and muiltpile acquisitions.

His letter can support the evidence that they purchased the business from you, confirming all the numbers you mentioned so that TN can see that you are indeed right in your documents.

I don’t think I understand your business. How is your startup a product-led company. Press release syndication business may not be considered as product less unless you want to mention how you meet the criteria. Are the awards you have gotten based in your recognition in the tech sector or based in your MBA programme? You also need recommendations from leaders in the tech sector who know your work.