OC4 Merit Based Awards

Hi everyone,

I was awarded a fully funded scholarship to do MSc in Big Data from the UK and the scholarship letter mentions:

The Bestway Foundation Scholarship is a highly sought-after scholarship, that generates a large volume of applications. On average, we receive over 200 applications per year. After a rigorous selection process, Muhammad was selected as 1 of only 5 recipients of the award.

But the eligibility criteria page which is also linked in the letter states:

These scholarships are to aid students in financial hardship due to the fact that they are from a country that is in crisis as a result of the political situation, war, natural disaster etc.

My question is, can I use this scholarship as one of the evidences for Optional Criteria 4 of merit-based awards/scholarships?

Thank you.

When considering the evidence you’ll include in your application, it’s important to think about whether it will be considered sufficient. It’s difficult to say exactly whether this evidence will be acceptable, as the panel looks at each application on a case-by-case basis and tends to take a holistic approach in evaluating candidates.

It was stated in the criteria:
“Evidence of a merit based award that has been granted by an organisation of a similar standing and distinction to the Royal Society in the UK, as well as the selection criteria for this award.”

Could you justify that this organisation has reputation of similar standing and distinction to the Royal Society in the UK?

You’ll need to justify that the scholarship is merit-based even though being offered to aid people students in financial hardship.

In my case I used a few PhD scholarships I received, but that was in addition to other evidence like the endorsement from expert and publications.

What other evidence will you be using in this criteria as guideline states that Research undertaken as part of an undergraduate or MSc thesis does not qualify for this criteria.

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Thanks for the response.

I got First-Class Honors for my Bachelor’s (got a Gold Medal) and a Distinction in my MSc. I am planning to use these as evidence of academic achievements along with the one mentioned above.

Could you justify that this organisation has reputation of similar standing and distinction to the Royal Society in the UK?

I don’t think I can do that.

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